Page 17 - Chinese and Asian Ceramics from an Indonesian Collection
P. 17
This book was inspired by an early article by Professor The antiquarians and expert potters, Coralie Edwards
John Miksic who visited Palembang in 2011 and alerted and Maurice Sawyer, offered constant advice during the
the world to the possibility that a significant part of the writing phase of this book. They also kindly allowed us
archaeological heritage of the Sriwijaya Kingdom may use of their extensive collection of ceramic books.
well lie in the bed of the Musi River at Palembang. And Jeremy Green and Rosemary Harper provided
that documentation of this heritage was endangered by guidance on the publication of this book. The former
looting. While Professor Miksic pushed for the formal edited this book and worked closely with us throughout
archaeological excavation of artefacts from the Musi River that process. The final format and style owe much to his
bed at Palembang, he encouraged documentation of items patience and expertise.
already removed from The Musi. And to that end, he Most of the photographs were by Aryo Bismo, with some
provided us with valuable information on specific ceramic by Retno Larasati – who also designed the front cover.
items recovered from the River. We also thank other We thank them for the many hours given so generously,
experts who provided specific advice on the determination especially as they waited for the precise late afternoon
of individual pieces. Namely, Aude Feverau, Rosemary natural light required for their photography.
Harper, Don Heine, Koh Nai King, Le Thi Lien, Dick We are grateful for the support to publish this book
Richards, Dawn Rooney, Heidrun Schenk. from Bapak Jumeri, S.TP, M.Si (Pembina Tingkat 1; NIP
19630510 198503 1019), Head of the Department of
Education and Culture, Central Java Province, Indonesia
(Kepala Dinas, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan,
Provinsi Jawa Tengah) and the encouragement of Dra.
Istiyarti, M.Pd, Head of the Section of Cultural Heritage
and Museums, Central Java Province (Kasi, Cagar Budaya
dan Permuseuman).