Page 127 - Chinese and Asian Ceramics from an Indonesian Collection
P. 127
Ceramics from the Musi River
Figure 226. Supports for cooking pots, height 8.7 cm, local
ware, possibly C13–C20, from the Musi River.
Catalogue No. K2272.
Figure 228. Jarlet, degraded pinkish slip, height 9.8 cm,
Northern Central Thailand, C14–C17, from the
Musi River, Boom Baru site. K1329.
Figure 227. Stove, grate with five holes above fire-box, height
12.3 cm, possibly Ciruas, Banten, West Java, C19–
C20, From the Musi River. Catalogue No. K1211.
These miniatures, both the Lampung ware and
Majapahit-style terracotta, were common at the Sungai
Rebo sites along the mouth of the Komering River
where it enters into the Musi, just downstream from Figure 229. Pot, base slightly convex, decorated around top
of shoulder at base of neck with a broad band of
ancient East Palembang. Analysis of the distribution impressed vertical criss-crossed segments, height 16
of ceramics found in the Musi showed that ‘local’ cm, possibly Central Thailand, C14–C17, from the
earthenware pottery from the Musi was relatively most Musi River, Sungai Rebo site. Catalogue No. K1421.
abundant at Sungai Rebo which had 43 per cent of the
63 local ware items with recorded site information. Banten earthenware
This was followed by Boom Baru (25%), Pusri (24%), Several earthenware storage jars from the Musi were
Sungai Bunut (5%), Batu Ampar (<2%) and PT Sharp probably made in Old Banten Serang in West Java
(<2%) sites. during Islamic times (see Chapter 6). Several other
pieces may also have been made either there or nearby
in Lampung. These include two kendis which had
applied line decoration, broad short necks with simple