Page 132 - Chinese and Asian Ceramics from an Indonesian Collection
P. 132
Chapter 6. Glazed and Unglazed Storage Vessels in the Musi River
Figure 235. Jars, short spouts, heights 19.5 to 30 cm, Guangdong Province, C9–C10, from the Musi River, Pusri site. Catalogue
Nos L to R: K2622, K2245, K2626.
Figure 237. Jar (lid missing), height 19 cm, Tang Dynasty, Henan
Province, Gongxian (Gonyi) kilns, C9–C10, from
the Musi River. Catalogue K934.
K2624, K2650, K2651), each with four lugs were found in
the Musi (Figure 244). They were plain, except two had
incised wavy lines around, or just below, the waist. They
Figure 236. Jar, height 55.2 cm, Tang to Northern Song Dynasty, were glazed with a watery autumn brown, dark brown
Guangdong Province, C9–C10, from the Musi River.
Catalogue No. K2612. or pale celadon degraded glaze over a pale slip dripped
on much of the grey or pale pinkish body. K1809, K1900
& K2650 were stamped between lugs. They were made
on the shoulder of one side. It was probably produced during the late-Song or Yuan Dynasties, probably in
during the Southern Song Dynasty in South China. Guangdong Province.
A further seven moderate sized (33 to 40 cm high), One moderately tall (42 cm high) undecorated golden
more robust storage jars (K1655, K1809, K1900, K2621, brown glazed jar had a concave base, wide and rolled