Page 174 - Bonhams Fine Japanese Works of Art Sept 2015
P. 174

3339           3339                            3340  3340                                            3341

3339                                           3340                                                  PROPERTY FROM THE ESTATE OF JOHN
Edo period (19th century)                      By Yokoyama Sukekane, dated 1847
Shinogizukuri, iorimune, extended kissaki,     Hirazukuri, iorimune with a sakizori curvature and    3341
koshizori, forged in flowing itame in ji-nie   forged with a tight ko-itamehada and with a choji     A LATER BIZEN TANTO IN MOUNTS
and with a suguha tempered edge with           gunome tempered edge turning to notare at             By Sukesada, Edo period (18th century)
sunagashi on the omote side, the ura with      the tip and with ashi, sunagashi, nie, utsuri and     Hirazukuri, iorimune, slight sakizori, indistinct
gunome midare, the boshi with a short          yakidashi, the tip ko-maru, ubu tang with two         forging pattern and tempered edge, slight
return, carved with koshi-hi ni soe-hi on      holes and katte sagari file marks and signed Bizen    machiokuri tang with sujikai file marks, one
both sides, ubu tang with one hole and kiri    Usafune no ju Yokoyama Sukekane and dated             hole and signed Bizen kuni no ju Osafune
file marks, 7 3/4in (19.6cm) long; one-piece   Koka yonen hachigatsu (no) hi; 11 1/4in (28.6cm)      Genzae jo Sukesada saku and illegibly
silver habaki; in shirasaya                    long; one-piece gold foil habaki; in shirasaya        inscribed with the name of the patron who
                                                                                                     commissioned the sword, 12 3/8in (31.3cm)
The koshira-e comprising a ribbed red lacquer  The koshira-e comprising a black-lacquer ishime       long; one-piece gold foil habaki
saya fitted with sentoku mounts finished       saya decorated with a mottled green and red
in ishime and arare patterns, kozuka and       lacquer and incised decoration and fitted with        In 19th-century koshira-e comprising and
kogai decorated with a crab on rocks in        copper nanako kozuka and kojiri decorated with        red and black striped lacquer saya with
iro-e takazogan and scrolling vines in silver  floral family crests in shakudo takazogan, the tsuka  gilt-metal hardware carved with dragons
hirazogan, tsuka wrapped in black silk with    with black silk wrap over same and mounted            in clouds, the kozuka-guchi inscribed
gold and shakudo shishi menuki                 with copper fuchi-gashira similarly decorated to      Yasuchika, fitted with a kozuka carved
$3,000 - 4,000                                 match the kozuka and kojiri and gold and shakudo      with flowering gourd vines in gilt metal and
                                               menuki of blossoming branches                         inscribed Umetada Hirokazu with a kao, the
                                               $3,000 - 4,000                                        tsuka wrapped in brocade over lacquered
                                                                                                     same and fitted with fuchi-gashira matching
                                               With Hozon Token (Sword Worthy of                     the saya inscribed Yasuchika and with gilt-
                                               Preserving) certificate no. 365728 issued by          copper menuki formed as dragons, the
                                               the Nihon Bijutsu Token Hozon Kyokai (The             tanto mokko nanako tsuba carved with
                                               Society for the Preservation of the Japan Art         flowering vines and decorated in gilt
                                               Sword), dated 2003.12.19.                             $1,500 - 2,500

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