Page 177 - Bonhams Fine Japanese Works of Art Sept 2015
P. 177



3350                                            3351

3347                                            3348                                           3350
A GENDAITO KATANA WITH MOUNTS                   A BIZEN YARI HEAD                              HONCHO KAJIKO
By Hishu Kunimasa, dated 1997                   By Kunishige, Edo period (18th century)        Dated 1795
Sugata (configuration): honzukuri, broad        Of triangular section and forged in itame-     Listing of famous swords in the collection of the
mihaba, iorimune, o-gissaki, toriizori          hada with a suguha tempered edge in nioi       Imperial family, 13 volumes, 7 with illustrations
Kitae (forging pattern): itamehada with         and nie, the ubu tang with one hole and        and text, 6 with text and swordsmith lineage;
prominant ji-nie                                signed Kunishige jo saku, 6 1/4in (15.8cm)     published by Kamada Suburodayu, Osaka,
Hamon (tempering pattern): choji-midare         long (to the collar)                           1795, with blue paper covers and title slips
tending towards toranba with ashi, yo,          In a brown lacquer saya with textured whorl    $1,000 - 1,500
sunagashi, nie and tobiyaki                     patterns designed as a cloth covering cinched
Boshi (tip):midarekomi                          with a lacquered cord                          3351
Horimono (carving): bohi on both sides          $1,500 - 2,000                                 FIVE JAPANESE MANUSCRIPTS ON
Nakago (tang): ubu with sujikai file marks and                                                 WEAPONRY
signed Hishu junin Kunimasu saku kore and       Kunishige was a female smith working in the    Edo period (17th-19th century)
with patrons name and dated Heisei hinoto       Bizen area.                                    Comprising one volume of Tokugawa shogun
nen shogatsu kichijitsu (1997.1)                                                               Antakumaru gofune no zu, n.d., 8 pages
Habaki (collar): two-piece gold foil            3349¤                                          illustrations and text on the Tokugawa shogun’s
Nagasa (length from tip to beginning of tang):  A TANTO AIKUCHI KOSHIRA-E                      personal ship and contents; [] [] take [] no zu,
29 1/2in (74.9cm)                               Early 20th century                             n.d., 34 pages illustrations and text on quivers
Motohaba (width at start of tempered edge): 1   Lacquered in brown and with a textured finish  and arrows; Kyu mei[] no shidai, 1665.10, 84
3/8in (3.6cm)                                   15 7/8in (42cm) long                           pages text and illustrations; Kanjinteki no zu,
Sakihaba (width before tip): 1 1/8in (2.9cm)    $800 - 1,200                                   n.d., 36 pages text and illustration on archery
In shirasaya                                                                                   technique; Hata sashimono, n.d., 48 pages
With modern koshira-e                                                                          illustrations and text on samurai banners and
$10,000 - 15,000                                                                               flags, cloth bound outer slipcase
                                                                                               $1,800 - 2,500

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