Page 18 - Bonhams Fine Japanese Works of Art Sept 2015
P. 18


OTHER PROPERTIES                                3014                                          3015
                                                TSUKIOKA YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)               YOSHIDA HIROSHI (1876-1950)
3013                                            Six woodblock prints                          One large woodblock print
TSUKIOKA YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)                 Oban tate-e; four from Tsuki hyakushi (100    Early large-format version of the print known
Album of 104 woodblock prints                   Aspects of the Moon), comprising: Gosechi     as Umagaeshi (The Horse Turnback), dated
Double sided album, oban tate-e, mounted        no myobu (Lady Gosechi) [#51], 1887.6.23;     to 1922, published by Watanabe, with artist’s
with a brocade fabric cover; a complete set of  Dokusho no tsuki - Shiraku (Reading by        mark - very good impression and color,
the series Tsuki hyakushi (100 Aspects of the   Moonlight - Shiraku) [#57], 1888.3 (second    slightly toned, minor spots of restoration
Moon), consisting of a frontispiece, preface,   state); Ashigarayama no tsuki - Yoshimitsu    18 3/4 x 13 3/4in (47.6 x 35cm)
an index (two sheets) and one hundred           (Mount Ashigara Moon - Yoshimitsu) [#70],     $2,000 - 3,000
illustrations published between 1885-1892 by    1889.10; and Bonso tsukiyo ni keishi no uke
Akiyama Buemon, each signed Yoshitoshi and      (Monk receives cassia seeds on a moonlit      Ogura, #8
variously sealed Yoshitoshi, Yoshitoshi no in,  night) [#93], 1891.6; one from Shinkei
Kai, Go Kaisai and Taiso, some with engraver    sanjurokkasen (New forms of 36 ghosts),
notation - generally good impressions, color    entitled Tametomo no bui tokijin o shirizoku
and condition, slightly toned, some with        zu (Tametomo’e ferocity drives away the
staining and soiling                            smallpox), 5 October 1890; and one from
14 x 9 1/2in (36.3 x 24.2cm)                    Kokoku nijushiko (24 Accomplishments
$10,000 - 15,000                                in Imperial Japan), Date-ke no chichinin
                                                Masaoka (The wet nurse Masaoka of Date),
The catalogue raisonné of this series is        1881, each signed Yoshitoshi - varying
John Stevenson, Yoshitoshi’s One Hundred        impression, generally good color, some
Aspects of the Moon, Redmond, WA., 2001.        toning, four backed, two trimmed
                                                13 3/4 x 9 7/8in (35 x 25cm) [4]
                                                14 x 9 3/4in (35.5 x 24.6cm)
                                                14 x 9 3/8in (35.5 x 23.7cm)
                                                $800 - 1,200

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