Page 453 - Oriental Series Japan and China, Brinkly
P. 453
ymages a 1'environ et de 1'autre cote a une ymage de Saint
Pol et est environne de perles tout autour et y faillent quatre
Un tableau de pourcelaine quarre ou d'un cote est I'yrnage
Nostre-Dame et xij apostres en tour et de 1'autre cote a plu-
sieurs ymages et a 1'environ xij grosses perples, y esmeraudes
et y rubis d'Alexandre.
Uns petits tableaux quarres de pourcelaine, enchassiez eu
or, ou est au dos un demi ymage de Nostre-Dame.
Uns petits tableaux quarres de pourcelaine, ou est entaillie
un crucifiement, Nostre-Dame et Saint Jean, sans nulle
Un grand tableau de bois ou il y a au milieu un ymage
de Nostre-Dame de pourcelaine et plusieurs autres ymages
de pourcelaine autour de la vie Nostre Seigneur et de Nostre-
Dame, garny d'un des cotes a 1'entour d'argent, dore, a 1'euvre
de Damas.
Not one of these descriptions seems applicable to a
keramic specimen, whereas every one of them may
easily be associated with the idea of work in mother-
of-pearl. If, however, M. du Sartel's conclusions
appear to have been carried too far in one direction,
they can scarcely be traversed in respect of the fact
that glazed pottery or stone-ware was certainly repre-
sented in these early collections. Thus in the Duke
of Anjou's inventory (13601368) is found "une
escuelle d'une pierre appelee pourcellaine" and in that of
Queen Jeanne d'Evreux (1372), " un pot a eau de
Bowls and pots of " a stone
pierre dpeorpcoeulracienla"inec.a" n only be interpreted in one
sense. It may therefore be confidently concluded
that as early as the Yuan dynasty (12601367) Chi-
nese keramic ware found its way to Europe and was