Page 11 - Bonhams September 11 2018 New York Japanese & Korean Works of Art
P. 11

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                                                             UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE I (1797-1858),UTAGAWA KUNISADA I
                                                             (TOYOKUNI III, 1786-1864), TSUKIOKA YOSHITOSHI (1839-
                                                             1892), AND UTAGAWA YOSHITORA (ACTIVE CIRCA 1836-1887)
                                                             Edo period (1615-1868) to Meiji era (1868-1912), 1857-1878
                                                             Comprising eight oban tate-e prints; Oji Shozoku enoki omisoka no
                                                             kitsunebi (New Year’s Eve Foxfires at the Changing Tee, Oji), from
                                                             the series Meisho Edo hyakkei (One Hundred Famous Views of Edo),
                                                             1857, published by Uoya Eikichi, censor’s seals Aratame, Mi ku,
                                                             signed Hiroshige ga; Actor Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Iwakawa and Actor
                                                             Nakamura Fukusuke I as Shirafuji, both from the series Mitate shusse
                                                             sumo (Imaginary Comparison of Rising Sumo Wrestlers), 1858,
                                                             published by Otaya Takichi, censor’s seal Ushi shichi; Sawamura
                                                             Tanosuke III as Yaegaki-hime, 1861, published by Kagaya Kichiemon,
                                                             censor’s seal Tori ku aratame, each signed Toyokuni ga; two actor’s
                                                             prints from the series Kinsei suikoden (A Modern Shuihuzhuan), both
                                                             1862, published by Iseya Kanekichi, censor’s seal Inu ni aratame,
                                                             signed Kio Toyokuni ga; Motto furasetai (Want To Let It Snow More)
                                                             from the series Mitate tai zukushi (A Collection of Women’s Desires),
                                                             1878, published by Inoue Mohei, signed Oju Taiso Yoshitoshi; the
                                                             last, Beauty under Willow, 1857, published by Yamadaya Shojiro,
                                                             censor’s seals Mi go, Aratame, signed Kinchoro Yoshitora ga(8)
                                                             14 5/8 x 9 3/4in (37 x 25cm) the largest
                                                             12 1/2 x 8 7/8in (32 x 22.5cm) the smallest
                                                             $1,500 - 2,000


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