Page 18 - SHANG, bronzes of the Shang Dynasty , March 18th , 2021 , Christie's New York.
P. 18


            A BRONZE RITUAL WINE VESSEL, HU                                    晚商   青銅獸面紋貫耳壺

            The pear-shaped body of oval section is well cast on each side in a band with two large taotie   壺橢圓口,貫耳,橢圓腹垂鼓,圈足。頸飾一圈弦紋,肩前後
            masks formed by two crested dragons confronted on a narrow flange, each with a rounded eye,   各飾一獸面紋,每面有一短脊置中,左右各設乳釘成獸目,
            backswept crest and an angular, curled tail raised above a small bird shown in profile facing   飾顧首龍紋,弓身折尾,兩側靠耳處飾鳥紋,貫耳飾羊角獸面
            one of the two lug handles cast as the head of a fantastic beast with ram's horns, all below a   紋。高圈足微侈,飾一圈四道長尾鳳紋,短脊分居四面。青、
            bowstring band. Four further pairs of birds encircle the tall, spreading, hollow foot, each pair   赤、灰色銅鏽層次豐富,包漿古穆。
            facing a narrow flange, all below four quadrangular openings. The vessel has a mottled green,
            cuprite red and grey patina.
            13æ in. (35 cm.) high

            PROVENANCE:                                                        來源:
            Acquired in Macao in 1985.                                         於1985年購於澳門。
            J. J. Lally & Co., New York, 2003.                                 藍理捷, 紐約, 2003年。
            The collection of Daniel Shapiro, New York.                        Daniel Shapiro 珍藏, 紐約。

            EXHIBITED:                                                         展覽:
            New York, J. J. Lally & Co., Bronze and Gold in Ancient China, 24 March - 12 April 2003, no. 4.   紐約, 藍理捷, Bronze and Gold in Ancient China, 2003年3月
            New York, J. J. Lally & Co., Chinese Archaic Bronzes: The Collection of Daniel Shapiro,    24日-4月12日, 編號 4號。
            14 March - 5 April 2014, no. 5.                                    紐約, 藍理捷, Chinese Archaic Bronzes: The Collection of
                                                                               Daniel Shapiro, 2014年3月14日-4月5日, 編號 5號。
            J. J. Lally & Co., Bronze and Gold in Ancient China, New York, 2003, no. 4.   出版:
            D. Shapiro, Ancient Chinese Bronzes, A Personal Appreciation, London, 2013, pp. 58-61 and 131.   藍理捷, Bronze and Gold in Ancient China, 紐約, 2003年,
            J. J. Lally & Co., Chinese Archaic Bronzes: The Collection of Daniel Shapiro, New York, 2014,    編號 4號。
            no. 5.                                                             D. Shapiro, Ancient Chinese Bronzes: A Personal Appreciation,
                                                                               倫敦, 2013年, 頁 58-61 及 131。
                                                                               藍理捷, Chinese Archaic Bronzes: The Collection of Daniel
                                                                               Shapiro, 紐約, 2014年, 編號 5號。
            The lug handles found on this hu and others like it suggest that they originally would
            have had a cover of some kind, which would have been fastened to the vessel by a cord.
            The present hu, its decoration confined to the shoulder and foot of the otherwise plain body,
            is representative of hu of late Shang-dynasty date. A similar hu of comparable size (35.3 cm.
            high), dated to the middle Anyang period, is illustrated in Ritual Bronzes in the National Palace
            Museum Collection, Taipei, 1998, pp. 372-75, no. 62. See, also, the similar hu that includes
            small birds positioned below the tails of the dragons in the main band and a band of birds on
            the foot sold at Christie's New York, 19 September 2007, lot 206.

                    (ink rubbing of handle)

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