Page 22 - SHANG, bronzes of the Shang Dynasty , March 18th , 2021 , Christie's New York.
P. 22


            A BRONZE RITUAL WINE VESSEL, POU                                   晚商 青銅饕餮紋瓿
            The bulbous body is flat cast around the sides with a wide frieze of three large taotie masks   瓿敞口,斜肩,圓腹,圈足,通體施淺浮雕紋飾。口沿下方繞三
            formed by pairs of dragons with large eyes, scroll-filled bodies and raised tails confronted on   道弦紋,肩綴一圈九道仰首龍紋,面朝同一方向,勾嘴蜷尾。
            a narrow flange, each mask bordered by slender descending dragons, below a band of nine   腹飾一圈三大獸面紋,乳釘作眼,内填龍紋,昂首翹尾。雷紋襯
            dragons with rounded eyes, hooked beaks and coiled tails, all facing in the same direction,   底,淺脊置中,每面以細龍相間。高圈足微侈,上有三孔,下綴
            on the sloping shoulder below three bowstring bands that rise to the everted rim, the whole   一周雷紋。淺淡銅綠泛滿器表,局部呈棕褐色,包漿古雅。
            raised on a high, slightly flared foot encircled by a narrow band formed by three panels of scrolls
            below three apertures. The vessel has allover light malachite encrustation and some areas of
            brownish-grey patina.
            13 in. (33 cm.) diam.

            PROVENANCE:                                                        來源:
            Private collection, Japan.                                         日本私人珍藏。
            Sotheby's London, 14 November 2001, lot 4.                         倫敦蘇富比,2001年11月14日,拍品編號4號。
            J. J. Lally & Co., New York, 2004.                                 藍理捷, 紐約, 2004年。
            The collection of Daniel Shapiro, New York.                        Daniel Shapiro 珍藏, 紐約。
            EXHIBITED:                                                         展覽:
            New York, J. J. Lally & Co., Chinese Archaic Bronzes: The Collection of Daniel Shapiro,    紐約, 藍理捷, Chinese Archaic Bronzes: The Collection of
            14 March- 5 April 2014, no. 11.                                    Daniel Shapiro, 2014年3月14日-4月5日, 編號 11號。
            LITERATURE:                                                        出版:
            D. Shapiro, Ancient Chinese Bronzes, A Personal Appreciation, London, 2013, pp. 92-95 and 137.  D. Shapiro, Ancient Chinese Bronzes: A Personal Appreciation,
            J. J. Lally & Co., Chinese Archaic Bronzes: The Collection of Daniel Shapiro, New York, 2014,    倫敦, 2013年, 頁 92-95 及 137。
            no. 11.                                                            藍理捷, Chinese Archaic Bronzes: The Collection of Daniel
                                                                               Shapiro, 紐約, 2014年, 編號 11號。

            Pou, globular jars raised on a high foot, first appeared in bronze during the late
            Erligang period (1400-1300 BC) and continued to be made throughout the Shang dynasty.

            The present vessel is similar both in form and decoration to one in the Qing Court Collection
            illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Bronze Ritual
            Vessels and Musical Instruments, Beijing, 2007, p. 123, no. 80. Another similar pou, excavated
            at Xiejiagou, Qingjian county, Shaanxi province, and now in the Suide County Museum, is
            illustrated in Shaanxi chutu Shang Zhou qingtongqi, Vol. I, Beijing, 1979, p. 71, pl. 67, and again
            by Li (ed.),The Shaanxi Bronzes, Xi'an, 1994, p. 227, no. 187, where it is dated to the mid-
            Shang period. See, also, the similar pou illustrated by Wang Tao, Chinese Bronzes from the
            Meiyintang Collection, London, 2009, pp. 124-125, no. 56. On this latter pou, the eyes of
            the nine dragons that form the band on the shoulder are smaller, as are the eyes of the
            taotie masks.

                                                            (ink rubbing of shoulder)

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