Page 29 - SHANG, bronzes of the Shang Dynasty , March 18th , 2021 , Christie's New York.
P. 29


                                   The celebrated collection of Captain S.N. Ferris   he found a welcoming group of Chinese collectors and
                                   Luboshez (1896-1984) has captivated collectors of Chinese   scholars, from whom he learned and eventually purchased
                                   art for nearly three decades, since it was offered for sale   works of art. He was recognized as a serious connoisseur
                                   in New York in 1982. Captain Luboshez, raised in England   with a discriminating eye at a time when foreigners were not
                                   by American parents, was taught the fundamentals of art   generally included in such circles or offered works of art to
                                   appreciation by his father, a scientist, who thought the   purchase. From archaic jades and bronzes, to Tang-dynasty
                                   study of art was valuable regardless of his sons’ eventual   pottery figures, to Ming and Qing porcelains, the Luboshez
                                   occupations. While both Luboshez and his brother trained   Collection reflects one man’s discerning taste across a variety
                                   as scientists, and Captain Luboshez later as a barrister and   of media, forms and dynasties.
                                   lawyer, both became interested in Asian art.
                                                                               In 1949 when Captain Luboshez and his wife returned to
                                   At the outset of World War II, Luboshez entered the US Navy,   the US they settled outside of Washington D.C. and brought
                                   eventually receiving a post in central intelligence. At the end   their collection with them. He designed his home in Maryland
                                   of the war he was focused on China and Japan, receiving   with specially fitted cases to display his pieces, as he believed
                                   the position of general counsel to the office of the Foreign   that art should be lived with and enjoyed, not stored away.
                                   Liquidation Commission of the US Department of State,   By the time Luboshez sold his pieces in 1982 he had lived
                                   eventually headquartered in Shanghai. It was during this   with them for over 30 years, telling the Washington Post,
                                   time, from 1945-1949, that Luboshez formed the substantial   “I don’t need the objects any more. They are embedded in
                                   core of his collection. In Shanghai, and in travels to Beijing,   my head.”

                                                      Captain S.N. Ferris Luboshez with the present gong, circa 1972.
                                                      Photographer unknown.
                                                      S.N. Ferris Luboshez 海軍上校與是次拍賣之青銅觥, 攝於1972前後。攝影師不詳。

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