Page 10 - China Trade Grand Turk Salem MA
P. 10

Model  of  the  ship  Friendship,  347  tons,  built  at  Salem  in  1797,  a
              letters  of  credit.  Drafts  on  London  were  indis-  typical  vessel  of  the  era  of  Salem's  expanding  ocean  commerce.
              pensable  to Mr.  Derby's  captains  and  supercargoes  Courtesy  of  the  Peabody  Museum  of  Salem
              in cases where  it was impossible  to return  shipments
              at  the  same  ports  or  from  the  same  merchants  that  lying  at  Whampoa,  the  anchorage  for  Canton,  no
              had  received  the  inward  cargoes.  Letters  of  credit  less than  11 other vessels  flying  the Stars and  Stripes
             on London were acceptable in most parts of Europe,   appeared.  In  spite  of  the  appeal  of  the  China
              but,  beyond  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  Spanish  trade,  direct  trade  relations  were  impractical
             dollars  were  the  principal  medium  of exchange  for  because  of  the  very  few  American  articles  that
             foreign  merchants.  Hence,  on  voyages  to  the  were  suitable  for  the  Canton  market.  Ginseng,  an
             East,  it  was  a  common  practice  for  Derby  ships  to  herb  which  grew  wild  in  New  England  and  was
             stop at  ports  in Spain  or  Portugal  to secure  Spanish  used  by  the  Chinese  for  compounding  most  of
             dollars  in  exchange  for  drafts  on  London.  their  medicines,  was  the  one  native  product  that
               The  Isle  of France  and  India  remained  the  chief  met  with  a  ready  sale.  Vessels  making  voyages
             centers  of  Elias  Hasket  Derby's  eastern  commerce  directly  to Canton,  therefore,  carried  all the  ginseng
             until  his  death  in  1799.  The  great  merchant's  that  could  be  gathered  in  New  England,  New
             contact,  however,  reached  to  even  more  distant  York,  and  Pennsylvania.
             markets.  The  Grand  Turk  had  extended  her  first  The  arrival  of  a  fleet  of  American  merchantmen
             voyage  to  the  Isle  of France  in  1786  as  far  as  Can-  as  large  as  that  at  Whampoa  in  1789  at  once
             ton,  the  only  Chinese  port  then  open  to  foreigners,  depressed  the  market  for  ginseng  and  raised  the
             and  had  brought  back  to  Salem  the  next  year  a  price  of  tea.  In  1790,  a  total  of  2,601,852  pounds
             cargo  of  teas  and  chinaware  which  sold  at  a  great  of  tea  was  imported  into  the  United  States.  Of
             profit.  After  this voyage,  the number  of  American  this  amount,  728,871  pounds  came  to  Derby
             ships  visiting  China  increased  rapidly.  During  Wharf  in  the  Astrea and  the  Light  Horse, two  of  the
             the autumn  of 1789, while  4  of the Derby  fleet  were  vessels  at  Canton  the  previous  autumn.  As  no

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