Page 15 - China Trade Grand Turk Salem MA
P. 15
Nathaniel Hawthorne at about the age he
held a position as a customs officer in the
Salem Custom House. Reproduced from a
painting by Charles Osgood. Courtesy of the
Essex Institute
How to Reach the Site Service to the Public
FROM BOSTON and points south, Salem is reached VISITORS are cordially welcomed to the historic
by automobile over Massachusetts Routes 1A and site. Although development is incomplete, there
107, and by Route 128 from U. S. Route 1 at are many features of interest. Among the build-
Lynnfield. From points west, Route 128 from ings open to the public are the Old Custom House
U. S. Route 20 at Waltham conveniently avoids and the Derby House. A fee of 25 cents for admis-
Boston. The site is located one-eighth of a mile sion to the Derby House is charged visitors over
east of the point where Route 1A enters Derby 16 years of age, with the exception of members of
Street from the north. The site is also accessible school groups who are admitted free up to 18
by water, both Derby Wharf and Central Wharf years of age. Organizations or groups will be
bordering on the main channel of Salem Harbor. given special service if arrangements are made in
Trains via the eastern division of the Boston advance with the superintendent of the site.
& Maine Railroad, a quarter of a mile away, Address all communications relative to the site
provide frequent service to North Station in to the Superintendent, Salem Maritime National
Boston. Historic Site, Salem, Mass.