Page 25 - SOtheby's Hong Kong Hawthorne Collection Scholar's Art May 2018
P. 25
This shrine is an extremely rare example of imperial carpentry 此供龕乃御製木雕之罕品,出自清宮造辦處。造辦處
work and wood carving, executed in the palace workshop, 成立於康熙朝,奉命營造宗廟、宮苑陳設佈置。乾隆
zaobanchu, of the Forbidden City, Beijing. The zaobanchu
which was established during the Kangxi reign, was entrusted
with the production of specially commissioned furnishings for (lCang-skya Hutuktu,Rol-pa’i rdo-rje,1717-1786
the imperial temples and palace buildings. During the Qianlong 年),為聖督造佛像法器,時有躬親(見 Terese Tse
period it is known to have made Buddhist images and other Bartholomew,〈Sino-Tibetan Art of the Qianlong
religious artefacts often under the personal supervision of the Period from the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco〉,
emperor, who relied on the advice of his mentor and religious
teacher, the lama Rolpay Dorje (see Terese Tse Bartholomew, 《Orientations》,1991年6月,頁34-45)。本件三連供
‘Sino-Tibetan Art of the Qianlong Period from the Asian 龕每屏背面皆銘「乾隆二十五年四月初九日欽命阿嘉胡土
Art Museum of San Francisco’, Orientations, June 1991, pp. 克圖認看供奉利益番銅琍瑪釋迦牟尼佛」,複頌三遍,所
34-45). The triple dedicatory inscription on the reverse of the 述年份即公元1760年。
present shrine states that “on the 9th day of the 4th month in
the 25th year of Qianlong the Zhangjia Hutuketu by Imperial 三世阿嘉胡土克圖乃蒙古喇嘛教領袖之一,為黃教格魯派
Command, respectfully offered in worship a copper-alloy figure 最高轉世活佛,年青時與儲君乾隆同窗讀書,後獲倚重而
of Shakyamuni Buddha for imperial benefit”. This inscription is
repeated three times. The date is equivalent to AD 1760. 任國師。公元1736年,乾隆登基,欽命阿嘉胡土克圖為
The Third Zhangjia Hutuketu (lCang-skya Hutuktu), Rolpay
Dorje (Rol-pa’i rdo-rje, 1717-1786), one of the heads of the 傳密宗佛堂雨花閣以資紀念。至今雨花閣仍存一尊乾隆授
Mongolian branch of lamaism, was the highest incarnation 命修造之銀作阿嘉胡土克圖像,及一對乾隆御筆追思輓聯
of the lamas of the Gelugpa sect, also known as the Yellow (參見《清宮藏傳佛教文物》,香港,1992年,圖版36
Church. In his youth he was educated together with the 及112)。
future Qianlong Emperor and he remained a trusted advisor
throughout his life. When Qianlong ascended the throne 另比較一尊鎏金銅阿嘉胡土克圖像,埃爾米塔日博物館
in 1736, he became Grand Lama at Beijing, and when he 蓄,錄於 Bartholomew 前述出處,圖版1。學者王家鵬於
died, Qianlong had a hall in the Pavilion of Raining Flowers
(Yuhuage), the largest Tantric chapel of Tibetan Buddhism 〈佛龕〉,《熱河佛教藝術》,台北,1999年,頁173f
in the Qing palace, devoted to his memory. It still houses a (中文)及頁258f (英文)一文中,言及乾隆皇帝多次
magnificent silver statue of Rolpay Dorje commissioned by 授命製作供龕,以作供奉由蒙古皇族和西藏喇嘛所獻之佛
Qianlong as well as a pair of hanging scrolls with a couplet 像,而此等供龕均出自清宮養心殿造辦處。據王家鵬所
written in his memory by the emperor (Cultural Relics of
Tibetan Buddhism Collected in the Qing Palace, Hong Kong,
1992, pls 36 and 112).
Another gilt brass sculpture depicting Rolpay Dorje from the
State Hermitage, Leningrad, is illustrated in Bartholomew,
op.cit., fig.1. In an essay entitled ‘Fo kan/Buddhist Shrines’ 物》,圖版35。
Wang Jiapeng states in the exhibition catalogue Buddhist
Art from Rehol, Taipei, 1999, p.173f. (Chinese) and p.258f.
(English), that the Qianlong Emperor repeatedly commissioned
shrines to be made for Buddhist images that had been given to
him by Mongolian princes and Tibetan lamas, and that these
shrines were all made by the zaobanchu of the Yangxin Hall
in the palace. According to Wang Jiapeng, ‘Zhangjia Hutuketu
xiang xiaokao [A study on the portrait statue of Zhangjia
Hutuketu]’, Gugong Bowuyuan yuankan, 1987, no.4, p.48, many
Buddhist sculptures and paintings of the Qianlong period in the
Palace Museum collection are inscribed with the phrase also
inscribed on the present shrine, stating that they were donated
by the Rolpay Dorje, and one such image donated in 1779, is
illustrated in Cultural Relics, op. cit., pl.35.