Page 41 - PROGRAM_2017_LSO_FINAL_online
P. 41


 •  AUCTION WITH RESERVE: Also known as   Sometimes the property may be protected by
 “Reserve Auction” and “Auction Subject to   warranty, but this is a rare occasion.
 Confirmation”. An auction in which the seller   •  cleRk: The person employed by the principal
 reserves the right to establish a reserve price,   auctioneer or auction firm to record what is
 to accept or decline any and all bids, or to   sold and to whom and for what price.
 withdraw the property at any time prior to the   •  commission: The fee charged to the seller by
 announcement of the completion of the sale   the auctioneer for providing services, usually
 by the Auctioneer.   a percentage of the gross selling price of the
 •  AUCTIONEER or Bid calleR: The person   property established by contract prior to the
 whom the seller engages to direct, conduct,   auction.
 or be responsible for a sale by auction. This   •  condiTions of sale: The legal terms that
 person may or may not actually “call” or “cry”   govern the conduct of an auction, including ac-
 the auction.   ceptable methods of payment, terms, buyer’s
 •  Bank leTTeR of cRediT: A letter from a bank   premiums, possession, reserves and any other
 certifying that a named person is worthy of   limiting factors of an auction. Usually included
 a given level of credit. Often requested from   in published advertisements or announced by
 prospective bidders or buyer who are not pay-  the auctioneer prior to the start of the auction.
 ing with currency at auction.   •  conTRacT: An agreement between two or
 •  Bid: A prospective buyer’s indication or offer   more persons or entities which creates or
 of a price he/she will pay to purchase property   modifies a legal relationship.
 at auction. Bids are usually in standardized   •  CONSIGNEE: The auctioneer or auction house
 increments established by the Auctioneer.   operator to whom goods are entrusted by
 •  BIDDER NUMBER: The number issued to each   another (consignor) for sale at auction.
 person to registered at an auction.   •  CONSIGNOR: The person or authorized agent
 •  BiddeR’s choice: A method of sale whereby   or entity that consigns goods to an auctioneer.
 the successful high bidder wins the right to   The consignor is usually the seller.
 choose a property or properties from a group-  •  escRoW: Money held in trust by a third party
 ing of similar or like-kind properties/items.   until the seller makes delivery of merchandise
 After the high bidder’s selection, the property/  to the buyer.
 item is deleted from the group, and the second   •  DUE DILIGENCE: The process of gathering in-
 round of bidding commences, with the high   formation about the condition and legal status
 bidder in round two selecting a property/item.   of assets to be sold.
 That property/item is then deleted from the   •  esTaTe sale: The sale of property left by a
 group, and the 3rd round begins, continuing   person at his or her death. An estate auction
 until all properties/items are sold.   can involve the sale of personal and/or real
 •  BUYER’S PREMIUM: An advertised percentage   property. NOTE: There sometimes are “LIVING
 of the high bid or flat fee added to the high   ESTATE AUCTIONS”, where the seller is alive,
 bid to determine the total contract price to be   but wishes to liquidate personal belongings
 paid by the buyer.   and has hired the Auctioneer to do so.
 •  CATALOG or BROCHURE: A publication adver-  •  inspecTion: Specified date, time and place
 tising and describing the property available for   property is available for prospective buyer
 sale at publicauction, often including photo-  viewing and evaluation. Also known as a PRE-
 graphs, descriptions, & the terms &conditions   VIEW.
 of sale.   •  loT: An item or set of items for sale in an
 •  caVeaT empToR: A Latin term meaning “Let   auction, lots are normally denoted by a “lot”
 The Buyer Beware!” A legal maxim stating that   number.
 the buyer takes the risk regarding the qual-
 ity or condition of the property purchased.

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