Page 42 - PROGRAM_2017_LSO_FINAL_online
P. 42

AUCTION RESOURCE GUIDE                                      AUCTION RESOURCE GUIDE

    •  MARKET VALUE: The highest price in terms of
        money which a property will bring in a com-    how To BecoMe AN AucTioNeer
        petitive and open market under all conditions
        requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller,   Being an auction professional involves hard work
        each acting prudently, knowledgeably and       and countless hours of practice and training. You
        assuming the price is not affected by undue    can  consider attending auction school. There are
        stimulus.                                      auction schools and programs throughout the U.S.
    •  MINIMUM BID AUCTION: An auction in which        and abroad that can provide you with the training
        the Auctioneer will accept bids at or above a   and education you need to start your career in the
        disclosed price. The minimum price is always   auction industry. In addition to learning the art of
        stated in the brochure and advertisements and   bid calling, auction schools provide students with
        is announced at the auctions.                  training on marketing their services and sales, as
    •  MINIMUM OPENING BID: The lowest ac-             well as provide students with training on starting
        ceptable amount at which the bidding must      and operating an auction business in their state.
        commence.                                      Some states require licensure and continuing edu-
    •  OPENING BID: The first bid offered by a bidder   cation to work as an auctioneer.
        at an auction.                                 In Texas, you are required to be a licensed auc-
    •  ONLINE/VIRTUAL AUCTION: An auction that is      tioneer.  To confirm requirements go to the Texas
        for online bidders only and is not conducted in   Department of Licensing web page at www.tdlr.
        front of a traditional live audience. These auc-  In Texas, there are also optional licenses
        tion types may have reserve items in which the   for Associate Auctioneers and the requirements
        auctioneers bid in order to protect the reserve.  are regulated by the TDLR.
    •  ON-SITE AUCTION: An auction conducted on
        the premises of the property being sold.       What are the requirements for an auctioneer
    •  pReVieW: Specified date, time and place prop-   license in Texas?  (
        erty is available for prospective buyer viewing   To be eligible for an auctioneer’s license you must:
        and evaluation. Also known as an INSPECTION.
    •  ReseRVe: The minimum price that a seller is     • Be at least 18 years of age;
        willing to accept for a property to be sold at   • Be a citizen of the United States or a legal alien;
        auction. Also known as RESERVE PRICE.          • Hold a high school diploma or a high school
    •  RINGMAN: A Ringman is a part of the  live auc-      equivalency certificate;
        tion team, who is responsible for interpreta-  • Not have been convicted of a felony within five
        tion of buyer interest and  effective communi-     years of the application date;
        cation of buyer participation to the auctioneer.   • Have completed 80 hours of classroom
    •  sealed Bid: A method of sale utilized where         instruction at an Auction school approved by
        confidential bids are submitted to be opened       TDLR; and
        at a predetermined place, date, and time.      • Pass an Auctioneer licensing examination OR
        Many government auctions occur in this         • You may be exempt from taking the Auctioneer
        manner, as they accept bids from around the       examination by providing proof of being
        country (and probably the world!).                employed by an Auctioneer for two (2) years
    •  selleR: Entity that has legal possession and       and have participated in at least ten (10) auctions
        ownership of any interests, benefits or right      during that employment period.  However, you
        inherent to the real or personal property.        will still need to meet all of the requirements
    •  TeRms and condiTions: The printed rules            listed above, including going to a TDLR approved
        of the auction and certain aspects of the         auction school.
        Purchase & Sale Agreement that are read and/
        or distributed to potential bidders prior to an
        auction sale.

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