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                      Bandy Assiter

                      TB ASSITER, INC.
                      Read Oak, Texas

    Growing  up  in  an  auction  family,  Bandy  got  to
    see all sides of an auction company from a young
    age.  Working alongside his dad and uncle Bandy
    learned to be a ringman in the West Texas based
    family business.  After realizing he wasn’t going to
    make  it  as  a  pro  football  player,  he  was  finishing
    college  and  knew  he  had  to  come  up  with  a
    plan.  With much coercion from his family he timidly
    attended  World  Wide    College  of  Auctioneering
    in  Mason  City,  Iowa  in  the  spring  of  2002.    In  the
    months after, he fell in love with the auction industry
    as  he  started  building  a  career  as  a  contract
    auctioneer.  Early he focused on real estate, classic
    cars,  benefits,  and  he  quickly  started  pursuing
    opportunities  in  the  auto  auction  industry.  His
    interest  in  competitive  contests  stemmed  from
    growing  up  at  auction  conferences  where  he
    watched  his  dad  compete  consistently.    Bandy
    himself  has  been  a  contestant  in  the  auctioneer,
    ringman,  and  team  divisions  of  many  different
    auction competition platforms Including: International,
    World  Automobile,  and  The  Texas  Auctioneer
    Association.    Today  Bandy  still  enjoys  being  a
    contract auctioneer at six weekly auto auctions in
    Dallas and there is no doubt he will always love the
    auction industry.
                     Andy Dunning

                     TEXAS LONE STAR
                     AUTO AUCTION
                     Carrollton, Texas

    Andy Dunning, an auctioneering veteran, began
    his career as an auctioneer in 1991. He joined the
    exciting world of car auctions in 1995. At age 26,
    Andy  was  the  youngest  person  ever  to  win  the
    International Auctioneer Championships in 1997. In
    2001, Andy founded Texas Lone Star Auto Auction
    alongside his father and brother. When Andy is not
    at an auction talking 100 miles per hour, he loves
    to collect historical firearms and spend time at the
    shooting range.
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