Page 57 - Tuyển Tập VTLV 2019
P. 57
I'm weaving together words of love and longing
To express my affection and respect for you, Mom
and Dad,
Who nurtured me with boundless giving
Great as the mountain and deep as the sea, such was
your love for me, and I am glad
Your compassionate souls reached high to the very
My words could hardly express
Your anxiety and joy in awaiting my expectant
arrival into this
Since infancy you watched over me every step
along the way
I never knew hunger nor thirst nor the feeling of
being lost
Nor did you ever show indifference or coldness
You rushed to my side whenever I cried
You looked after me with tenderness
Countless times you stayed up late
Waiting for me to drift into deep sleep
There were times when winds from the North
Mom got sick and pale and thin from being exposed
to the cold rains
But in stoic silence she bore her pain
So Dad and I wouldn't worry