Page 6 - Masterkidz贝思德教育2020 Spring图册-55M
P. 6
Pegs The Mosterkidz STEM Wall comes with colourful pegs in 14 colours which Using the some holes there ore screws which con be fastened into place either by Screws
con be simply pressed into place or pulled out at ease to make sequences,
hand, with hand tools or using a realistic hand power tool with interchangeable
patterns or even create murals. They con also be used with elastic bonds to heads. Screws con also be used to fasten other attachments to the STEM Wall
iafJ create regular shapes and to hong things on like dressing up clothes. such as hangers. -~~
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t'l!~ffilffifl-~J:2JClT~+'dlffil\STEM WALL f'fjq[-1'~iHL, t~~J'"lffifl ~t'l!~iEE
-g;j~ffie'SJ9.l.)3 1 11o >f'lq]'f-jffifl, !J~[jf~Ff.!Mosterkidz STEM WALL~9Ui'ffq[-1'
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Mixed Colours Pegs - Pack I
ME12746 Mixed Colours Screws
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512 Piece Pegs 18 Colours! Set I
512 Piece Screws !Mixed Colours!
Mixed Colours Pegs - Pack II TTTTTTT ME12920
512 Piece Pegs 16 Colours! Set II