Page 8 - Masterkidz贝思德教育2020 Spring图册-55M
P. 8

39 Piece Gears and Chain Set                                                                                                Power Tools & Hand Tools                                     £;':                m         Role
                                                                                                                                                                                                      I  I
          t&$'B~tii9R39fti=B                                                                                                          Eg~I~&~~I~                                                    creativity   fine motor   TT   Playing

          Each of the gear wheels has a centre bearing, can be meshed together   ~~§3J"38f-t::3f¢R"tr9'9t!H't:ffi-*CllM~c5CJ£~~a9'950iHii*o   A power-tool hand drill provides a wonderful  accessory to  aid the   =Fl\1JIJ"4~Egl\1JI!"4!'2J>'ffi~!!G8Masterkidz STEM WALL 9'9!..~~1iEffi ,  jlij"i'I!"4
          with ease to make long trains that actually work.  Length of the chain is   1Mt:l2.(7;:,  cp,  dl:=:f¢R"tr!R:fr.  JtcpJ<;:t!Ht~m~~~.IB=F@ffi   building process which children will love.  Both power tools set and   ~~t'21l!ic~-~+9'94f¢Cll:9J~~ffim3/.;;9'9=F®~Egl\1Jt~=F.  ~~1r1'll-i'lft3/.;;t'21
          adjustable.  There  are  2 handle gear wheels in  each set which allow   1'F=Ftll!Ji52\1J;';&$'t:ffifii*1.iHJt:,  cpffiiJil!l!;';&$'t:§El36f¢~§ill}JX;o  1J1   the hand tools set share the same parts.  Children will have hours of   CllHWWl\1Jm~o~!l2~-1'~&~=¥. d~•m§attrow~mw•9'9I~o
          children to easily rotate.                       BCllHW~ffim~~-O~;';&~~~~mM~l\1J·~ff~ffi~o                                  fun fastening and loosening screws on the STEM Wall.   Egii1JI!"48f-t::~k!S§3J"-1'Clf§El3/i'XrSTEM WALL~9'9i&ifll~,  Egl\1):1~=¥,  1ft
                                                           9!:U;r::!Cll9'9t<lli';&$'t:~;';&$'t:i!lftfii*ill8Fo,  diBClfl2§i:t=Fli¥~l\.R                                              3/.;;ffi:I.&=FCll~?rli'X~r·~o
                                                           Bi!mml\1J9'9W•.  •mClfMctJftm~~mJtctJ9'9•waw.
                                                           ey ~ rs. t~ ~ ,J, m -xg  ~;& $'t: ~m w a  w 9'9  ~ ill!Z  •  - ffiR  ~* 1'F ~1 f.&~
                                                           9'9STEMl}i;J"4 o

                                                    Gears Wheels t§~                          Chain ti~                                     8 Piece Power Tool  Pack                       6 Piece Hand Tool  Pack
                 Handle Gear
                   ~Hit§~                                                                                                                   Et!WJ I~Bitt:B                                 ~WJI~6itt:B
                                                                                                                                            ME13118                                        ME13101

                                                                                                                                                                  Power tool and wooden tool rack
                                                                                                                                                                  are not weatherproof.
                                                       2 pieces/colour
                    2 pieces
               This  handle  gear  must  be  kept
               indoor after use.  Wooden handle                                                 1 piece
               cannot  withstand  long-time
               exposure to water and sunlight.                       * * ~-
               ~-®~tt~fflO®~ffmtt~~T~W>~.              4 pieces/colour                      Adjustable Length
   3   4   5   6   7   8