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         Unit                              SPACE TRAVEL


           A mission to Mars

               1  Listen and read.

              Nick:     Wow,  is  that  you  in  this  photo?  The   Nick:     Honestly, it wasn’t as impressive as I’d expected.
                    youngest astronaut in the world doing a      It was just like an ordinary piece of rock.
                    spacewalk!                            Phuc:   But perhaps it was from Mars. Think of that!
              Phuc:    Ha! Yeah, it was in a museum in Sweden.   Nick:     Maybe.  Do  you  think  there  could  be  life  on
              Nick:    You look so excited!                      Mars?
              Phuc:    Well, that trip made me crazy about space.   Phuc:    It’s  possibly  habitable.  It  once  had  an  ocean
                    Before I turned ten, I’d already collected   … Who knows, in 20 years we might be  ying
                    lots of books about the universe. I’d learnt   there on a discovery mission.
                    about  the  planets,  the  stars,  satellites,   Nick:    Haha,  but  we’d  need  to  do  some  serious
                    rockets, and stu .                          training  rst. They say you practise by scuba
              Nick:     You know, last year I visited an astronomy   diving in a  ight suit...
                    museum and I touched a meteorite.     Phuc:    That’s right. And you also have to experience
              Phuc:   A meteorite! What was it like?             microgravity on a parabolic  ight.

           46  Unit 10/ Space Travel                                                                                                      Unit 10/ Space Travel  47

             Now start the lesson. For a lead-in, T can draw on     Alternatively, T can bring in some posters from
              the board a diagram of our solar system, with the   popular   lms  about  space,  for  example  The
              Sun and eight planets, and ask Ss to name them.   Martian,  Apollo  13,  Gravity,  etc.  It  would  be
              Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,   preferable  if  the   lms  are  fairly  realistic  about
              Neptune                                        the science of space travel. Discuss brie y with
              T can give some mnemonics to help Ss remember   the class the content of the  lms and try eliciting
                                                             some  key  words  about  space  travel  such  as
              the order of the planets, for example:         spacecraft,  astronauts,  mission,  planets,  etc.
              My very excellent mother just served us nachos.   T can write the key words on the board.
              Mom visits every Monday, just stays until noon.     Ask Ss to guess the topic of the unit.

           46-47 Unit 10/ Space Travel
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