Page 47 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2
P. 47


           1  Look  at  the  timeline  and  put  the  verbs  in   De ning relative clauses
              brackets into the correct tense.

           1.  'SVJU ø JFT  CF TFOU  ______ into space before Laika   A  de ning  relative  clause  gives  essential
              UIF EPH  NBLF  ______ IFS TQBDF KPVSOFZ        information about someone or something we
           2.   #Z  UIF  UJNF  -BJLB   CFDPNF   ______  the   rst   are talking about. This is the information that
              BTUSPOBVU EPH  GSVJU ø JFT BMSFBEZ  CF MBVODIFE    we need in order to understand what or who,
              ______ into space.                             is being referred to.
           3.   (BHBSJO  ø Z   ______  into space eight years before   Example:
              "SNTUSPOH  XBML  ______ on the moon.           The relative clause is used to de ne a subject.
           4.   8IFO UIF 64"  QVU   ______ the  rst human on   The  student  who  won  the  competition  is  my
              UIF NPPO  3VTTJB BMSFBEZ  TFOE  ______ the  rst   cousin.
              human into space.
           5.   8IFO 7JSHJO (BMBDUJD  FTUBCMJTI  ______ in 2004,   The  relative  clause  is  used  to  de ne  an
              %FOOJT 5JUP BMSFBEZ  USBWFM  ______ into space as a   object.
              tourist.                                       The rock that they found last week may have
                                                             landed on Earth from the moon.
              Watch out!
              In perfect tenses, the word already is placed
              after the auxiliary verb have.                 Look out!
              Example:                                       t   8F VTF SFMBUJWF QSPOPVOT  who, that, which,
              My father had already cooked the dinner when     whose,  whom,  where,  when)  to  introduce  a
              we came home.                                    de ning relative clause.
              Has she already  nished her astronaut training?  t   *G UIF OPVO PS OPVO QISBTF JT UIF PCKFDU PG UIF
                                                               verb, we often omit the relative pronoun.
                                                                 The  rock  they  found  last  week  may  have
                                                               landed on Earth from the moon.
                                                             t   *O XSJUJOH  XF EPO U VTF DPNNBT JO EFö OJOH
           2  Had  these  moments  already  happened  when     relative clauses.
              the  following  people  were  born?  Add  the
              missing dates of birth to the box, then choose
              an  event  from  the  timeline.  Ask  and  answer
              questions about that event with a partner.
                                                          3  Complete the following sentences with/without
              Mr Phuong, born in 1941                       a relative pronoun.
              Thu, born in 1997.
              Your teacher, born in ______.               1.  This is the astronaut ______ visited our school last
              You, born in ______.                           week.

           Example:                                       2.   This is the village ______
                                                             )FMFO  4IBSNBO   UIF
              Had  Gagarin  already      Yes, he had.
              travelled  into  space                          rst  British  astronaut,
              when Thu was born?                             was born.

                                                          3.   Can  you  talk  more
              Had  the  first  space  tourist   No, he hadn’t.  about  the  parabolic
              Dennis  Tito  already  flown                    ights  ______  you  took
              into space when our teacher                    for your training?
              was born?

           51   Unit 10/ Space Travel                                       Unit 10/ Space Travel  51
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