Page 51 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2
P. 51


           Listening                                     Persuasive language for advertisements

                                                         4  Look at these advertising examples from the
           1 Look  at  the  pictures  and  discuss  with  your   websites of some space tourism companies.
             partner what is happening in them. Can you     Underline the words/phrases that you think
             guess what the recording is about? Now listen   make  the  advertisements  sound  more
             and check.                                     persuasive.

                                                           ‘ Become a lunar explorer. Join the greatest private
                                                             expedition of our time.’
                                                            ‘"O BNB[JOH  MJGF DIBOHJOH FYQFSJFODF ’
                                                            ‘3FBEZ 5P #FDPNF "O "TUSPOBVU ’

                                                            Language skills
                                                            To highlight the good qualities of a product/
                                                            service,  persuasive  advertising  language
                                                            often uses:
                                                            t   TIPSU  CVU  QPXFSGVM   FBTZ UP SFNFNCFS
                                                              words or phrases
                                                            t  BDUJWF GPSNT PG UIF WFSCT
           2 Listen again then answer the questions with    t   TUSPOH  FNQIBTJT  PO  UIF  SFBEFS  CZ  VTJOH
             NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.                        ‘ZPV’, the imperative, or questions
           1.  What are the three purposes of space tourism?  Some useful adjectives for advertisements
           2.  Where  has  Space  Adventures   own  clients  to   new   good/better/best   free
              since 2001?                                   delicious   wonderful         special
              ___________________________________________.  unique           high/highest                 leading
           3.  What is the name of the service with which clients   lifetime   world’s greatest   amazing
              can leave the ISS and  oat above the Earth?
              ___________________________________________.  5 Can  you  guess  what  is  being  advertised?
           4.  What is Virgin Galactic preparing to launch?  Find the answer in the box.
              ___________________________________________.  1.   ‘Bake the Very Best’  a shampoo product
           5.  What are the words that were used to criticise   2.   ‘Shine with life’  a chocolate product
              space tourism?                             3.   ‘The best co ee for the best YOU’  a co ee product
              ___________________________________________.  4.   ‘Green clean happy machine’  a tourism slogan
                                                         5.   ‘Timeless charm’        a fuel-e  cient car
           3 Match the numbers to their references, then   6.    ‘ Have you met Mr Goodbar? Good?   a bakery slogan
             listen and check your answers.                  You bet!’
                          A.    the number of people who have signed up   6 Write a short ad (2-4 sentences) to advertise
           1.   2018
                            to travel into space with Virgin Galactic.  these products. You can use strong adjectives,
                                                            active  verbs,  imperatives,  comparatives,
           2.   100 kilometres   B.   the price of the deposit for a space ight   questions, etc.
                            on a Virgin Galactic spacecraft.
           3.   700       C.  the distance from the moon that clients   a.  A new detergent product
                            can be taken to.

           4.   50        D.    the year when Space Adventures plans to   b.  " OFX ZPHIVSU QSPEVDU
                            launch its ‘Circumlunar Mission’

           5.   $250,000   E.   the number of countries the 700 clients   c.  " OFX NPEFM PG CJDZDMF
                            come from.

           55   Unit 10/ Space Travel
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