Page 56 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2
P. 56


                                                          1.   In the future, fathers may be externally employed
                                                             or stay at home and look after their children.
           Vocabulary                                        A. do extra work   B. go out to work
                                                             C. work full-time
           1 Complete the table with appropriate words.
                                                          2.   There  will  still  be  actual  classrooms  where
                     Verb         Noun         Noun          teachers and students can interact face to face.
                                              (person)       A. virtual       B. online   C. traditional
            1.    attend                                  3.   The  most  fascinating  change  happening  to
            2.    facilitate                                 women  is  their  increasing  involvement  in
                                                             education and employment.
            3.                 provision
                                                             A. participation   B. roles   C. power
            4.                              developer
                                                          4.   Viet Nam used to be male-dominated, with men
            5.                 interview                     being the voice of the family and society.
            6.                              evaluator        A. men doing housework
            7.                 participation                 B. men playing the leading role
                                                             C. men earning money
            8.                              applicant
                                                          5.   Women get a job to support their families as well
                                                             as to be  nancially independent.
           2  Use the words in the table in 1 to complete
              the sentences.                                 A. economically   B. physically  C. totally

           1.  A lot of people have come tonight to ______ the
              forum.                                         REMEMBER!
           2.   The application of technology in the school will   The word ‘sense’ refers to a feeling for, or
              ______ self-learning.                          understanding of, something. It is formed
           3.   Even in distant areas, the teacher will no longer   like this: (a) sense of + N
              be the only ______ of knowledge.
           4.   Who  has  ______  the  idea  into  this  remarkable   4 Complete the sentences with phrases formed
              event?                                         with ‘sense of’.       humour
           5.    In  the  programme,  he  ______  ordinary  people
              about their future plans.                              sense of       style
           6.   The discussion included a critical  ______ of the                   responsibility
              new course.
           7.   We require your full ______ in this discussion.                     time
           8.   She decided to ______ for a job as an engineer.                     direction

           3  Choose the correct answer A, B or C which is
              closest in meaning to the underlined word/
              phrase in the sentences.
                                                          1.   He has a very good ______.  He never gets lost.
                                                          2.   She has such a good ______. She makes everyone
                                                             laugh at work.
                                                          3.   I don’t have much ______. I always seem to be late
                                                             for appointments.
                                                          4.   He has a strong ______. You can always rely on him.
                                                          5.   She has no ______ at all. She never chooses the
                                                             right colour or the right clothes for herself.

           61   Unit 11/ Changing Roles in Society
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