Page 57 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2
P. 57

Pronunciation                                         A CLOSER LOOK 2
           Agreeing and disagreeing tones

             REMEMBER!                                    Future passive: review

             When  we  agree  with  another  person,  the   1  Choose  the  future  active  or  passive  to
             tone of our voice often drops at the end of the   complete the sentences.
             Example:  Yes, you’re right.                 1.  Teenagers   ______  in  important  decisions
                                                             concerning their lives.
             However,  if  we  disagree  with  someone,  our
             voice often rises slightly. This makes our message      A. will participate   B. will be participated
             sound un nished and therefore more polite.  2.   Trees ______ on both sides of the streets.
             Example: Well, maybe.                           A. will plant       B. will be planted
                                                          3.   All the information you need for the report ______
             We  can  also  express  our  disagreement  by   tomorrow.
             repeating  a  statement  as  a  question  with  a
             natural rising tone.                            A. will provide     B. will be provided
             Example: He can’t be trusted?                4.   When put into operation, this factory ______ tons
                                                             of cheese a day.
                                                             A. will produce     B. will be produced
                                                          5.   In the near future, e-books ______ paper books in
           5  Listen carefully and tick ( ) the correct box.   school.
              Then listen again and repeat.                  A. will replace     B. will be replaced
                                                          6.   The  principal  promises  that  safety  measures
                                                             ______ immediately ______.
            1.  No one can deny it?                          A. will – apply     B. will – be applied

            2.  All of us can see your point.             2 Rewrite the sentences without changing their
            3.  We will help him with the money.             original meanings.

            4.  You will be cooking.                      1.  They  will  also  hold  classes  in  places  like
                                                             restaurants or supermarkets.
            5.  Well, you may be right.
                                                          →  Classes ______________________________________.
                                                          2.   The school will constantly tailor its curriculum to
           6  Mark Mike’s sentences with falling (agreeing)   meet changes in society.
              or  rising  (disagreeing)  arrows.  Then  listen   →  The school’s curriculum _______________________.
              and check.
                                                          3.   Schools  will  not  evaluate  students’  academic
           Laura:   We  have  to  educate  the  public  about   performance through exams only.
           Mike:   Yes, that’s important.                 → Students’ academic performance ______________.
           Laura:   And  we  must  act  to  save  endangered   4.   Men will no longer make all the decisions in the
                  species.                                   family.
           Mike:  That helps.                             → Not all the decisions in the family _____________.
           Laura:   Keeping  wild  animals  in  zoos  can  help   5.   High  technology  will  free  women  from  most
                  protect them.                              housework.
           Mike:   That’s an important point …            → Women ______________________________________.
           Laura:   Zoos can make money for their conservation
                  programmes through charging entrance fees.  6.   They will build more  yovers to reduce tra  c in
           Mike:   Umm, yes I suppose so.                    the city.
                                                          → More  yovers ________________________________.

           62   Unit 11/ Changing Roles in Society
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