Page 102 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 102

Question words: subject and object

           Who, what, which, how much or how many can be the subject or object of a question.

           Subject Object

           'Wh o invited you?  '  ' Tom invited me.'                          '  Who did you invite?' 7 invited Gemma and Beth !

           When the question word is the subject, we do not use               When the question word is the object, we use the
           the question form of the verb. We use the affirmative              question form of the verb.
           form and word order.                                               ' Which phone do you want?' 7 want that one.'
            Which phone costs more?' This one costs more.'                    How many people can you see?' 7 can see six people.'
           '                                                                  '
           '                                                                  '
            How many people can come tomorrow?' iAbout fifty                   What are you making?, 'I'm making a chocolate cake.,
           people can come.   '
           'Wh  at is happening?' iNothing's happening.'

           17 Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
          *                                                                       Read the answers and write a subject question
                                                                                  and an object question.

                                                                                  ÿ Who lost his phoiA,e westerdau
                                                                                                    i -e?---cr-
                                                                                     What did Michael lose westerdau
                                                                                           - e*-c#-
                                                                                     Michael lost his phone yesterday.

                                                                                  1 Who_
                                                                                     Mr Kean teaches geography.

                                                                                  2 Who_
                                                                                     Libby is going to eat fish and chips.
                ÿ Who phoned his friend? 3am
                                                                                  3 Who_
                1 Who did he phone? _
                                                                                     Beth saw Mary at the cinema.
                                                                                  4 What_
                                                                                     The car crashed into the café.

                                                                                  5 Who_
                                                                                     Pete is helping Ryan.

                                    Iris Suzy                                              Work in groups of three. Look at the
                                                                                           examples and write ten quiz questions
                2 Who painted the picture?
                                                                                           with Who, What or How many. Think
                3  Who did she paint? _
                                                                                           about famous people, geography,
                                                                                            nature and sport.

                                                                                     who wrote the play 'R¿>meo aÿdJuliet'?

                                                                                     what Is the tallest buildiw$ lf\, the world?

                                                                                     What bird cat*, swim, but cat<v't fly?

                                    Brian How maia,uj -players are there Iia, a basketball
                4 Who wrote the letter?
                5 Who did he write to? .

          TOO Question words
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