Page 97 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 97

3 Henry is writing about a music festival. Choose the                 8 wear brother's old clothes
                3 You_camp if you are under sixteen. But I'm
                correct letter A, B or C to complete the sentences.               9 use the internet
                                                                                 10 go to the library
                ÿ The Soundwaves festival is brilliant. You   _ see
                                                                                 11 do cookery
                   lots of amazing bands.
                                                                                 12 learn woodwork
                   A can B must C could
                                                                                 13 make a box
                1 I_go last year because I was revising for my
                                                                                 14 cook an egg
                   A could B couldn't C didn't have to                                                   couldn't
                2 Although I didn't go to the festival , I_watch it
                   on TV.
                   A could B had to C was able to
                                                                                                         didn't have to
                   OK because I'm seventeen.
                   A can't B mustn't C couldn't
                4 You_camp. You can go home at the end of
                   each day if you want to.
                   A have to B don't have to C mustn't                         6 O R4.2 You will hearTom talking to his mum
                5 You_buy tickets before the festival starts.                     about going to the cinema. Choose the correct
                   You can't buy them when you arrive.                            answer A, B or C.
                   A should B have to C don,t have to
                                                                                  ÿ Tom can go to the cinema.
                6 You_bring suncream and a raincoat.                                 A Yes B No C Don't know
                   Sometimes it's hot and sometimes it rains all day.             1 Tom has to do his homework first.
                   A have to B should C needn't                                      A Yes B No C Don't know
                                                                                  2 Tom has to tidy his room tonight.
                Write sentences about yourself when you were                         A Yes B No C Don't know
                five and eleven. Use could, couldn't, had to and
                                                                                  3 Tom can stay in town after the film.
                didnft have to.
                                                                                     A Yes B No C Don't know
                   when i was five I could swim, 50 metres.                       4 Tom's mum has to go to a meeting tonight.
                                                                                     A Yes B No C Don't know
                   when ( was eleven i didn't have to wear school
                                                                                  5 Tom's dad can collect him.
                                                                                     A Yes B No C Don't know
                                                                                  6 Tom has to phone his dad now.
                                                                                     A Yes B No C Don't know


                                                                               7 Read the scenarios. Ask and answer questions
                                                                                  with your partner. Use can, could, have to, should.
                                                                                  1 Ask about ability: You are the captain of a sports
                                                                                     team. You need a fast runner. Ask your partner.

                                                                                  Can you. mnfast?               No, I can't. Y>U should
             5 ©R4.1 You will hear Charlie talking to his
                                                                                     Ask for permission: You're talking to your parents.
                grandpa about the past. Write the numbers in the
                                                                                     You want to invite a friend to your house.
                correct place in the table.                                          Make a request: You're looking for some shoes
                   walk to school             O                                      in a shop. You want some help and you see the
                   talk to friends
                                                                                     shop assistant.
                   go home straight after school
                                                                                     Ask about rules: You are in a job interview.
                   play football in the street
                                                                                     You want to know about uniforms.
                   ask parents permission
                   buy sweets                                                        Ask for advice: Your friend lent you a book,
                   buy clothes                                                       but you've lost it. Ask your parents.

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