Page 94 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 94

£10 o 16.2 Agroupoftouristsisgoingtogoon                                         Write sentences about life at your school.
                a safari. Listen and complete the information      ®                       Use have to, mustn't and don't have to. Use
                with x, ÿ or                                                               the words in the box and your own ideas.

                x = Don't!
                                                                                   do a lot of homework
                ÿ = Necessary
                                                                                   eat in class
                  = Not necessary
                                                                                   play a lot of sport
                                                                                   run in the corridor
                1 bring a camera                                                   send text messages in class
                                                                                   stand up for the teacher
                2 bring food and water
                                                                                   stay late
                3 feed the animals
                                                                                   study maths every day
                4 get up early

                5 leave the vehicle            x                                     we dov¿t have to wear a uniform.
                6 listen to the guide                                                we have to do a Lot of homework.

                7 smoke                                                              we mustn't eat in> class.

                8 talk quietly
                                                                            if Change the words in bold. Use needn't or need to.
                9 wear sun cream                                                                                           ,
                                                                                  ÿ We don't have to leave yet .  needn t
                                                                                   ÿ You must discuss that with your parents , vÿttd to

          ;|:1 Complete the sentences with mustn't, donft have         O          1 You don't have to come to the meeting.
                to or doesnft have to.                                               We must try harder. _
                                                                                     Peter doesn't have to wait for us.
                   You m.ustn,t         smoke in a cinema.
                                                                                     Do we have to empty the bin? _
                   You_                 wait for me. You can go                      I must write to my uncle. _
                   home now.
                                                                                     We don't have to turn off the computers.
                   You_                 argue with the referee.                      Does she have to work on Sunday? _
                   His decision is final.
                                                                                  8 You don't have to decide yet. _
                3 We                    bring a football. We can use              9 You must find your glasses. _
                                                                                 10 When do you have to arrive?
                  Tom_                 _ study hard. He already
                   knows all the answers.                                   :j;14           Say three sentences about a sport, using
                5 Jess                   wear those shoes at school.                        have to, mustn't and don,t have to. Can
                  They're the wrong colour.                                                 your partner guess the sport? You can
                6 You_listen to loud music. It's bad                                        use the words below or your own ideas.
                   for your ears.
                7 You_forget your keys. I won't be                                   Sports                   Rules
                   here when you get home.
                                                                                   basketball                be able to swim
                8 You_ask the teacher. I can explain
                                                                                   cricket                   be tall
                   it to you.
                                                                                   diving                    kick a ball
                9 I                  get up early tomorrow. It  ' s the            football                  run fast
                                                                                   golf                      throw a ball
               10 I                  spend time on the internet
                                                                                   water polo                wear boots
                   tonight. I've got a lot of homework.

                                                                                   You don't have to run fast.

                                                                                   You mustn't kick the ball.

                                                                                   You have to be able to swim.

                                                                                                          Is it water polo?

          92 Must, have to, should, needn't
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