Page 90 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 90

;¡;13           Work in groups of three. Student A                      8 I ' ve never         remember dates or phone
                          asks for permission to do something.                       numbers.
                          Student B says no, and has ten seconds                              you lend me a pen? Yes, of course.
                                                                                                                   '  '
                          to give a reason. Student C listens and                    Here you are.'
                          gives one point if it is a good reason.
                                                                                 10 Although it was very dark we             find our
                          Change roles.
                                                                                     way home.

                     buy some new               have some chocolate
                                                                               16    Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.     O
                     trainers                   play computer
                                                                                     The bus was full. I find a seat.
                     borrow your phone          games
                                                                                     A could B couldn't C can't
                     climb that tree            stay at my friend s
                     go to the park             house tonight                        I ' m sorry you re not well, Mrs Jones. _   come
                     goto bed late              watch TV                             and visit you tomorrow?
                                                                                     A Can I B Am I able to C Could I
                                                                                     She _help with the problem because she
                  CfliA, i watch tv?                                                 speaks French.
                                         No, you cfln/t. you haven't                 A was able to B couldn't            C could
                                        doiÿe the washívig-u-p yet.                                                     see where to go.
                                                                                     It got dark very early. We _
                                                                                     A could B couldn't                  C were able to
          *14 Circle the correct option.                                             The car _stop before there was an
                ÿ Can I / you watch TV? I'm bored.
                                                                                     A couldn't B could C was able to
                1 You can't/couldn't smoke in here.                                  _you help me with my homework, mum?
                                                                                     A Could B Can't C Can
                2 He can't / couldn't ski when he was young.
                                                                                  6 Great! I _get the last ticket for the
                3 Could I/you carry this? I'm tired.
                4 It's OK. You can / could use your phone.                           A can't           B could C was able to
                5 Sorry. I won't can / be able to come.                           7 I           watch that programme last night

                6 Would I/you close the door, please?                                because    had to go out.
                                                                                     A could           B couldn't C was able to
                7 Can I /you wear your coat? I'm cold.
                8 It was a very long book but I could / was able to
                   finish it.

             5 Complete the sentences with one word, using
                forms of can, could and be able to.
                                                                                  P Self-evaluation Rate your progress. j
                ÿ 'What instruments can your brother play?'
                   The piano and the guitar.'

                1 'Would you like to go on the skiing trip?,
                   '                                                                   2
                   Yes, but I_ski!'
                2 My grandfather was an excellent athlete. He
                   _ run 1,500 metres in four minutes.
                3 'Did you like that song?' 'Well, I liked the music                   6
                   but I_understand the words.'                                        7
                4 'Could I buy these shoes?' 'No, you_
                   They're too expensive.'
                5 'Could you repair my bike?' 'Not now, but I may                    11
                   _ do it tomorrow.'                                                12

                6 He_ open the door. He >d taken the
                   wrong key!
                7 'Excuse me.      _you help me, please?       '                     16

          88 Can, could, be oble to
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