Page 85 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 85

5 Read the email from John. Write a reply to his                  Listening
                                                                               6 O R3.1 Listen and choose the correct answer A, B
                                                                                  or C to complete each sentence.
                   Hi Max                                                                                                               O
                                                                                  ÿ A go B to go C going
                  Thanks for your email. It was interesting to see
                                                                                  1 A come B to come C coming
                   the pictures of your family.
                                                                                  2 A she liked it B I like it C she liked me
                   What do you like doing at the weekend? I
                                                                                  3 A breakdown B to break down
                   think playing computer games is boring, but
                                                                                     C breaking down
                   I love playing football, and I also like reading
                                                                                  4 A get up earlier B to get up earlier
                   books about science. I'd love to study science
                                                                                     C getting up earlier
                   at university.
                                                                                  5 A me she was tired B she was tired
                   Do you like sport? What would you like to do
                                                                                     C that was tired
                   when you are older?
                                                                                  6 A hear it again B to hear it again
                   John                                                              C hearing it again

                                                                                  O R3.2 Listen to the conversations (1-6) and          O
                                                                                  match them to the sentences (a-f).

                                                                                  a They said they didn t want to play football. _
                                                                                  b They said they enjoyed playing football. _
                                                                                  c They decided to play football. _
                                                                                  d She said she didn't enjoy playing tennis.
                                                                                  e She said she  ' d like to play tennis. _
                                                                                  f She said she couldn't play tennis. _


            8 Work in pairs. Student A: look at the table and choose a person.
                         Don't say who it is. Answer your partner's questions.
                         Student B: ask questions and complete the first row of
                         the table. Can you guess who it is?

                   like enjoy would like want

                            Likes/Dislikes                             I  Ambitions
                                                                                                         r>o you ll\ze cootel
                                                 play                     learn      be a
                            cook                 computer       sing     the      I police                                     yes, \ do.
                                                 games                    guitar     officer
                                                                                                         Would you like to
                                                                                                         be a police officer?

                                                                                                                            yes, (would.
                 4                                                                                       Are Ljou AiA-yv?

                 Ann         ÿ          X            X           ÿ          ÿ           ÿ                                      yes, I am.!

                 Ed          X          ÿ            ÿ           x          X           ÿ

                 Dora        X          ÿ            X           ÿ          ÿ           X

                 Tony        ÿ          X            ÿ           X          ÿ           x

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