Page 84 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 84

Units 13-14                                                Exam preparation

            Reading and writing                                                3 Read the text below and choose the correct letter
                                                                                  A, B or C for each space.
             1 Read the sentences about reading. Choose the
                correct letter A, B or C to complete the sentences.                Andrew Rugasira is a Ugandan businessman. Ten
                                                                                   years ago, he decided a new business. At
                ÿ  _JL is important but it's also fun.
                                                                                   that time, Ugandan coffee farmers made money
                   A To read B Reading C Read
                                                                                   by.-coffee beans to Western companies, who
                1 It is easy_information on the internet.                          then made coffee and sold it to supermarkets.
                   A to find B finding C find
                                                                                   Andrew thought2.       . was wrong. He believed
                2 You can_books from libraries.
                                                                                   that his farmers 3_    earn enough money. He
                   A to borrow B borrowing C borrow                                stopped4_beans to Western companies and
                3 My teacher_that she downloads books onto                         started making coffee himself. At first, it was very
                   her computer.                                                   difficult5_British and American supermarkets
                   A says B tells C wants                                          to buy his coffee. But after ten years, he has
                                                                                   finally succeeded.
                4 I enjoy_science-fiction novels.
                   A to read B reading C read                                      Andrew&_me that Africans needed more
                                                                                   confidence in their business ideas.  We should
                5 My dad said that he_science fiction when he                      ' _in ourselves. It took me six years, but I kept
                   was young.                                                      "
                                                                                    -hard and refused to give up.
                   A love B loves C loved                                          Q -this business has been good for me, but it,s
                6 I'd like_a novel one day.                                        also good for the farmers.  ,
                   A to write B writing C write

                                                                                  ÿ A start          B to start         C starting
                Read the sentences. Complete the second
                                            ÿ                                     1  A sell          B to sell          c selling
                sentence so that it means the same as the first.
                                                                                  2 A that           B this             c he
                ÿ I'm worried . I have to sing in the concert.
                   I m worried about zímím Lia» the cowert.                       3  A  aren t       B don't            c didn't
                1 Gemma said,'I don't like this song.'                            4 A sell           B to sell          c  selling
                   Gemma said that                                                5  A  persuade     B to persuade      c to persuading

                2 It's impossible to play tennis in the rain.                     6 A said           B told             c  says
                   Ynn ran't                                                      7 A believe        B to believe       c believing

                3 I love buying new clothes.                                      8  A work          B to work          c  working
                                              is fun.                             9 A Create         B To create        c Creating
                   William and Henry thought,'No one can find us
                   here.'                                                         Some of the bold words are incorrect. Write the
                                                                                  correct words or tick ÿ if the words are correct.
                   William and Henry thought that
                                                                                  ÿ I don't mind to wait for you. waltl
                                                                                  ÿ They said they didn't understand the film.
                   Katie has made a decision. She's going to study
                   biology.                                                              _
                   Katie has decided_                                             1 To sleep in a tent is fun. _

                   Amy said she came from Australia.                              2 She said she couldn't go out this night.
                   Amy said,'_
                                                                                  3 Martin says he'd like to swim with dolphins.

                                                                                     I told him I didn't like it.

                                                                                     He promised finishing his homework the next
                                                                                     day. _

                                                                                  6 We told to them the shop was closed.

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