Page 79 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 79

Verb + to + the infinitive or -ing                                *1 7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
                                                                                  the verb in brackets.
           We use some verbs with to + the infinitive.
                                                                                  ÿ stealing is a crime, (steal)
           agree decide hope learn offer plan promise
           refuse want try would like                                             1 It's important_your work, (check)
                                                                                  2 I was surprised_the match, (win)
           We use some verbs with the -ing form.
           can t stand dislike don/t mind enjoy finish                            3 Thank you for_your room, (clean)
           give up go hate keep like love practise stop                           4 _round the world would be fun. (travel)
           Remember there is a difference between like and                        5 I'm pleased-you. (meet)
           would like.                                                            6 Are you interested in_the planet? (save)
           I like playing tennis. (= I enjoy tennis.)                             7 It wasn't difficult_the answer, (find)
           Ifd lik e to play tennis. (= I want to play tennis.)
                                                                                  8 He earned a lot of money by_hard, (work)
           After some verbs, we can use both forms with no
           change of meaning e.g. begin, prefer, continue, start.           *18 Work in small groups. Take turns to make
           I started to repair my bike.                                                     sentences using one verb from each box.
           I started repairing my bike.                                                     The other team members give one point
                                                                                            if the sentence is correct.

          *15 Circle the correct option.                                             agree be good at             buy   clean    do go
                                                                                     decide don't mind            meet    play   revise
                ÿ We offered to pay / paying for them.
                                                                                     keep learn stop             swim     talk  watch
                1 Everyone enjoys to win/winning.                                    think about try
                2 She's decided to buy / buying a car.
                3 Would you like to have / having lunch?
                4 I don't mind to wait/waiting.                                     i agreed to oieaia, roovÿ.
                5 Why does Pat keep to ask / asking the same
                   question?                                                                 I learn* to -play the trumpet.
                6 When did she learn to swim / swimming?
                7 Stop to talk /talking!
                8 He promised to tidy/tidying up.

          ;í16 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
                the verb in brackets.                                                                                                    1
                                                                                  [ Self-evaluation           Rate your progress.
                ÿ Do you want to-pin m tennis? (play)
                                                                                                 *             u ÿ u u ÿ
                ÿ He hasn,t finished tídyíw his room, (tidy)
                1 I can't stand_up early, (get)
                2 She hopes_her exams, (pass)                                          3

                3 Would you like_at the computer? (look)                               4
                4 Have you practised_the ball? (catch)
                5 He refused-on Saturdays, (work)
                6 Why do you keep_the same mistake?                                    s\
                7 We went_at the lake yesterday, (fish)                              10

                8 We're planning_at six. (arrive)                                    H




                                                                                                                             Unit 13 77
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