Page 78 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 78

9 Rewrite the sentences using the -ing form.                    *1 2 © 13.2 Listen and complete the table with the ,

                ÿ It's easy to cook fish.                                         correct symbol.
                                                                                   ÿ = hate = don't mind & = enjoy
                   Cootelnfl fah is easu}._
                1 It's good to swim.
                                                                                                                         Paul      Lucy
                2 It's difficult to drive a lorry.                                 wait in queues                         &

                                                                                   find money in your pocket
                3 It's important to laugh a lot.
                                                                                   do sport in the rain
                4 It's interesting to study history.
                                                                                   sit next to someone talking on
                                                                                   their phone
                5 It's healthy to eat fish.
                                                                                   watch adverts on TV
                6 It's hard to run a marathon.
                                                                            ::; 13 Logic test. Look at the table and read the
                7 It's wrong to tell lies.                                                  sentences. Write the names in the correct
                                                                                            place in the table.
                8 It's fun to see your friends.

                Complete the second sentence so that it means                      buy
                the same as the first.                                             clothes                     *

                ÿ I don't want to listen to this song again.
                                                                                   listen to
                   I m bored with lístenla to this .                                                 *                              *
                1 Alice sings very well.
                   Alice is good at_                                               go for a
                                                                                                               *                    *
                2 I'd like to buy that phone.                                      walk
                   I m interested in_
                                                                                   wake up
                3 I can't type very fast.                                                            *                              *
                   I m slow at_
                4 She may arrive late. She's worried.                              visit the
                   She's worried about_                                            dentist
                5 This video can help you improve your English.
                  This video is useful for_                                       1 Charlie loves buying clothes.
                6 We may go to a concert on Saturday.                             2 Bella doesn't mind visiting the dentist.
                   We're thinking of_                                             3 Tim doesn't like going for a walk.
                7 You've made the dinner. That's nice.                            4 Vicky doesn't mind listening to music.
                  Thank you for_                                                  5 Charlie enjoys listening to music.
                8 I'm going to watch a good film tonight.                         6 Bella can't stand going for a walk.
                   I ' m looking forward to_                                      7 Tim hates waking up early.
                                                                                  8 Vicky doesn't like buying clothes.
           11 Tick (ÿ) the verbs that you can use with go + the                   9 Charlie doesn't mind visiting the dentist.
                 ing form.
                -                                                                10 Bella can't stand waking up early.
                ÿ see LJ               play    ÿ          shop 0
                                                                                            Ask and answer questions about the
                1 wash ]               swim    ÿ          cook    ÿ                         activities in exercise 12 and in the table in
                                                                                            exercise 13.
                2 watch LJ             eat     ÿ          skate   ÿ                                                                     O
                                                                                     can t stand don't mind enjoy hate love
                3 fish ÿ               buy     ÿ          read    ÿ
                4 draw                 cycle   ÿ          work    ÿ
                                                                                        you Ulee waiting ha. queues?
                5 climb [ ]            phone ÿ            study ÿ
                                                                                                    No, i can't stand waiting in queues

          76 To + the infinitive and the -ing form
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