Page 15 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 15

Indefinite pronouns                                                t 9 O 2.2 Complete the words with some-, any-,             O
                                                                                  or no-. Then listen and check.

           We use indefinite pronouns when we talk about an                          .someone is talking to your dad. Who is it?
           unknown thing (something), person (someone,                               He's really lazy. He didn't do_thing O
           somebody) or place (somewhere).
           There's someone at the door. I don't know who it is.
                                                                                            .body enjoyed the film. It was terrible.
           Did you do anything on Sunday?                                            There's_thing on the roof of the house.'
           I can't find it anywhere.                                                 ' It's a cat!'

                                                                                     I went to Pat's house but there wasn't_one
              some-           any-          every-          no-
             someone        anyone         everyone       no one                     My town is boring. There's_where to go in
             somebody       anybody        everybody      nobody                     the evening.
                                                                                     I can hear_body's phone.'
             something      anything       everything     nothing
                                                                                     It's mine.Thanks!'
             somewhere      anywhere       everywhere     nowhere                 7 How much does it cost?''_thing. It's free!'
                                                                                  8  _ one can do that. It       ' s easy.
           We use pronouns with some- in affirmative sentences                    9  Can we go_where quiet?
           and pronouns with any- in negative sentences and                      10 I don't like sport, books or computer games.'
           questions. See page 11 for the rules.                                     ' Do you like_thing?'

           - one and -body have the same meaning.                             io o 2.3 Listen to the interviews with Gemma and           O
           Someone/Somebody wants to talk to you.
                                                                                  John and complete the table with names and
           We use a singular verb with every- and no-.                            words from the box.
           Is everything OK?
                                                                                     in another town basketball dance fishing
           No one enjoys exams.
                                                                                     flute football golf painting piano
           We normally use only one negative word.                                   at a sports centre swimming tennis
           We did 11't see anything. We die ÿ T see nothing*
           No one said anything. No one said nothing,                                            Gemma's family        John's family

                                                                O              Who does         basketball
            8 Circle the correct word.
                                                                               what sport?
                   I can't find my pen anything / anywhere .
                   We'd like something / someone to drink.
                   Everyone / Everywhere is looking at us.
                   I m bored. There s nothing / no one on TV.
                   Can anything / anybody answer this question?
                  They want to go something / somewhere in
                                                                               Who plays
                   Europe for their holidays.
                   I don't like exams. I always forget everything /
                   All the cafés are closed. There's nowhere /
                   nobody to eat.                                              Other
                8 Be quiet! Don't say anything / anyone.                       activities?
                9 Can someone / somewhere close the window,
               10 It wasn't funny. Nobody / Nothing laughed.                                Complete these questions with indefinite

                                                                                            pronouns. Then ask and answer the
                                                                                            questions with a partner.

                                                                                  Does_in your family do sport?
                                                                                  Is there_to do sport near your house?
                                                                                  Does_in your family play a musical
                                                                                  Does anyone do_else?

                                                                                                                              Unit 2 13
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