Page 19 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 19

Complete the text with words from the box.                                  Ask and answer the questions in
                                                                                            exercise 9 with a partner.
                   lots of much a-few        a few some some
                   many little a lot of
                                                                                   r>o you have m.uch breakfast?
                Mum, I need a little help for» f ffW minutes.
                I ' ve got , _packing to do and there isn t                                      I have a lot of breakfast, i eat a Lot
                 _ time before the next bus. Please                                              of toast with jam,, a little yoghurt,
                could you help me pack my shirts? I need to take                                 a few-pieces of-fruít, aÿd i driiÿhz
                3                                                                                lots of tea.
                _ T-shirts for two weeks              , but I only need

           ¡8 O 3.2 Listen to Katy talking about what she eats  ÿ
                and drinks. Complete the table with not much,
                not many, a lot of, a few, a little, no.

                 iA-ot m-uch   breakfast                     potatoes

                               orange juice                  biscuits

                               toast                         fruit

                               meat                          water

                               chicken                       tea

                               fish                          coffee

                               pasta                         fizzy
                                                             drinks          Too much, too many and enough
                                                                              We use too much and too many with nouns to say
                  W Read the questions. Then write about the
                                                                              that there is a bigger quantity than we want or need.
               yr/ things you eat and drink. Answer all the
                                                                              The bus is going to be late.
                        questions.                                            There's too much traffic.

                . Do you have much breakfast?
                                                                              We use too much with uncountable nouns and
                . Do you eat much meat or fish?
                                                                              too many with countable nouns. We use them in
                . Do you prefer pasta, rice or potatoes?
                                                                              affirmative sentences.
                . Do you eat many sweet things (biscuits ,
                                                                              You put too much sugar in my coffee.
                   cake, etc.)?
                                                                              There are too many books. I can't carry them all.
                . Do you eat much fruit? Do you eat many
                   vegetables?                                                We use enough to say that there is the correct
                . What do you drink?                                          quantity. We use not enough to say that there is a
                                                                              smaller quantity than we want or need - it is the
                   I have a lot of breatefast. I eat a lot of toast with      opposite of too much/many. We use enough with
                  jflkK, a little y 00hurt, a few-pieces of fruit, avuA       uncountable and countable nouns.
                   i striate lots of tea.                                     ' It costs £25. Have you got enough money?' fYes. I've
                                                                              Can I sit down?' 'I'm sorry. There aren't enough chairs.'
                                                                              We can sometimes use too much/many and (not)
                                                                              enough without nouns, when it is clear what we
                                                                              Here's some cake.' 'That's too much. I can't eat all that.'
                                                                               Would you like some more coffee?' 'No, thank you. I've
                                                                              had enough.'

                                                                              We can also use too and enough with adjectives.
                                                                              See Unit 25.

                                                                                                                              Unit 3 17
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