Page 24 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 24

Impersonal it/they and there                                         8 O 4.3 Listen to two students playing the           O
                                                                                  guessing game Where in the world am I?'
           We sometimes use it as an impersonal subject. In                       Complete the chart using full sentences.
           these cases, it doesn't mean a person or a thing.
                                                                                     Local time        It's 2-p.m..
           We use it to talk about:
           the weather             dates
           It's sunny.             It's Thursday.                                    Distance
                                   It's the tenth of February.                       from London
           the time
           It's half past three.   distance                                          Population
                                   It's 120 kilometres to London.
           We use impersonal there + be to say that something
           exists. The real subject comes after the verb.
           There's a book under your chair.
           There are some new computers in our classroom.

           We often use impersonal there + be with some or                                  Now play the game with your
           with numbers.                                                                    partner. Student A looks at page 168
           There are 30 people in my class.                                                 for information. Student B looks at
           There was some cheese in the fridge.                                             page 170. Ask and answer questions
                                                                                            and complete the chart. Can you guess
           There or it/they?
                                                                                            the place?
           We use impersonal there + be when we talk
           about something for the first time. When we talk about                    Beijing (China) Dubai (UAE)
           it a second time , we use it or they.                                     New Delhi (India) New York (USA)
           Therefs a spider in the bathroom. (= new information)
                                                                                     London time         12 p.m.
           It's very big! (We know you're talking about the
           spider now)                                                                                  Student A          Student B
           There are a lot of advertisements on TV. (= new                           Local time
           I think theyfre boring. (We know 'they' means the
           advertisements)                                                           Distance
                                                                                     from London
                                                          O                          Population
          S7 Circle the correct option.
                ÿ There's / It's the fourteenth of July.                             Interesting
                1 There's / It's quarter past six.
                2 There's/It's hot and sunny today.                                  City
                3 There's / It's a good film on at the cinema.
                4 There's / It's Friday today.                                      what tim¿ Is It your towiA,?
                5 There's/It's someone at the door.
                6 There are / It's four kilometres to my school.
                                                                                                     it's seven o'clock, in the vÿorvúvÿ.
                7 There was/It was windy yesterday.
                8 There's / It's some oil on your trousers!
                9 There was / It was a pencil on the desk.
               10 There was / It was the seventeenth on Sunday.

          22 Personal pronouns; impersonal there and it/they
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