Page 46 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 46

9 Play in pairs. Student A: say a past                          .: -11 Look at the information about Alex and his
                          continuous sentence. Student B: add a                   brother Richard. Write sentences using the past
                          '      '
                          when clause. Use the verbs below.                       simple and past continuous.
                   clean make play read walk watch
                   arrive break hear fall over find phone
                                                                                   A  ugust 1111 becomes a footballer
                  i was cleavúviQ the cupboard when...                             1111-2002 pi ays professional football
                                                                                   June 2002 break* Wis leg and gives up football
                                                    ... the door broke.
                                                                                   January 2005 starts to I earn Chinese

                                                                                   ZOOfo-WOI studies Chinese at university
                  she was reading a newspaper when ...
                                                                                   August 2008 goes to the Beijing Olympics
                                             ... her teacher arrived.              2001-2011 Works as a football coach in China

          :í 10 Complete the text with the past simple or past
                continuous form of the verbs in brackets.                          1118-2000 studies at school
                                                                                   October 2000 visits South America

                                                                                   2001-200ÿ studies Spanish at university
                                                                                   2005-2007 Works for a company in England
                                                                                   lAay200(o find? a job in Mexico
                                                                                   200(o-2011 live; in Mexico
                                                                                   July 2010 gets married

                                                                                  ÿ August 1999: Alex became a footballer white
                 We were ¿Ittina (sjt) in the back of a big jeep.                    tdiehard was, studying at school.

                 No one1_(talk). All of us                                        1 October 2000:
                  _(look) intently through the
                 windows of the car. Outside the African sun
                                                                                  2 June 2002:
                  -(shine), hot and bright, but
                                                                                  3 January 2005:
                 Then suddenly, we&_(see) it - an
                 elephant. Itf_(appear) from a
                 small group of trees and '_(start)                               4 May 2006:
                 to walk slowly towards the jeep. While it
                  _(come) towards us, I                                           5 August 2008:
                  -(get) my camera and
                   _(take) some photos.                                           6 July 2010:
                 The elephant"_(continue) in our
                 direction. It was huge, much bigger than you
                 ' 2
                   _(can) imagine.
                                                                                       Self-evaluation Rate your progress.
                 Someone asked the guide, 'Is this dangerous?
                 Will the elephant stop?"The guide                                                                           u u u
                 , 3
                   _(not say) anything. He switched
                 off the car engine and ,4_(give) a
                 signal to be silent.
                 Now some of us were getting nervous. My hands
                 , 5
                   _(shake) and my heart
                   _(beat) very fast.
                 The elephant'7_(stop). It looked at
                 the jeep for a long time. Then it simply
                   _(turn) around and
                 ' ®
                   _(walk) back into the trees.
                 Everyone breathed again. It was amazing!

          44 Past continuous
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