Page 49 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 49

7 Write sentences about the pictures in exercise 6.                            Find information about a famous person
                                                                                           who is still alive. Write sentences about
                   earn any money do schoolwork
                                                                                           their achievements. Use the ideas in the
                   do a parachute jump sail through a storm
                                                                                           box to help you.
                   go to Australia win a prize
                                                                                     become very rich
                ÿ Lucy has been to Australia
                                                _                                    build a big house
                1 She                                                                buy a fast car
                2 She                                                                help people in poor countries
                3 She                                                                learn another language
                4 She                                                                make films
                5 She                                                                meet famous people
                                                                                     travel around the world
           ;í 8 Complete the text with the present perfect forms                     win prizes
                of the verbs in the box.                                             write a book

                   appear become not buy buy                                         (famous person) Has written four bootes and
                   never fly never learn not meet pamt                               she has won soi-ue prizes, she has become
                   pay spend win                                                     fam-ous but she hasn't becon-te very rich.

                                                                              10           Write eight questions beginning Have you
                   Bill Ennis is an Australian artist. He
                                                                                           ever... ?Use the words in the table.
                   has painted a lot of pictures and
                                                                                        Have ijou ever broteen an am<, or leg?
                   _a lot of prizes. Famous
                   people around the world 2_his                                                                    ÿ/x
                   pictures. As a result, he                   rich.
                                                                                   break an arm or leg               ÿ
                   But Bill is different from most people.                         do the washing up

                   Although he has a lot of money, he                              travel in a fast car
                  4                                                                forget your homework
                   _an expensive car or a big
                                                                                   travel abroad
                   house. In fact, he&_to drive and
                                                                                   look after a baby
                   he still lives in the house that he grew up in.                 lose your phone
                                                                                   speak in public
                   So how&_Bill_his money? He
                                                                                   swim in the sea
                   has created organizations that help people in
                                                                                   win a prize
                   poor countries. These organizations
                   - for hundreds of children to                                            Work in pairs. Ask the questions from
                   go to school.                                                            exercise 10 and complete the table.
                                                                                            Write a tick ÿ or a cross x.
                   But Bill&_                 these children or
                   been to their countries. In fact, Bill has never         ;; :12          Now work with another pair in a group of

                   left Australia, although his pictures                                    four. Say sentences about your partner
                   9                                                                        from exercise 11 - some true and some
                   _ in exhibitions around the
                                                                                            false. Can the other pair guess the false
                   world. He is scared of flying so

                                                                                    she's never done the washing-up.

                                                                            J you're right. Tfoat's false.

                                                                                                                              Unit 9 47
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