Page 72 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 72

8 Read a news report about the arrival of two                      9 Read the sentences. Complete the second
                pandas at a British zoo. Choose the correct letter                sentence so that it means the same as the first.
                A, B or C for each space.                                         Use no more than two words.
                                                                                  ÿ She practised very hard and then took her
                  Two very important guests have arrived at                          piano exam.
                   Edinburgh Zoo.TianTian and Yang Guang are                         By the time she took her piano exam shetf
                   giant pandas. They were born and grew up in                       ÿ practized very hard.
                   China. Then, two days ago, they1_into Britain.
                                                                                  1 I've known him for ten years.
                   Now they2_in a special, luxury area of the zoo
                                                                                     I met him ten years_
                   and are recovering from their long journey.
                                                                                  2 The accident happened while Kate was walking
                  This is the first time that pandas'_in Britain                     to school.
                   since 1995, so millions of new visitors will                      Kate was walking to school_the
                   probably come to the zoo to see them. In fact,                    accident happened.
                   thousands of people have 4_bought tickets.                     3 The train is going to arrive soon.
                                                                                     The train hasn't arrived_
                  The pandas will be very expensive for the
                                                                                  4 I've decided to learn French.
                   zoo. Firstly, the zoo 5 _to pay the Chinese
                                                                                     I m _ learn French.
                   government £6 million to keep the pandas for
                                                                                  5 They moved to America in 2010 and they're still
                   ten years. Secondly, it will have to spend a lot of
                                                                                     living there now.
                   money on food. Pandas f_bamboo and they
                                                                                     They_in America since 2010.
                   normally eat for fourteen hours a day. So the
                                                                                  6 Fred hadn't played golf before.
                   zoo will probably7_£70,000 a year to
                                                                                     That was the first time Fred_golf.
                   buy enough bamboo!
                                                                                  7 I promise to tidy my room tomorrow.
                                                                                     _tidy my room tomorrow.
                ÿ A  just            B  never          C yet
                1  A have flown     B had flown        C flew                10 Complete the text. Write one word in each space.
                2 A stay             B are staying     c have stayed              I was born fifteen years ac*o in London.

                3  A  are           B have been        c  were                    , _I was six, my family moved to Bristol
                                                                                  and we ve lived there ever since.
                4 A already         B yesterday        c yet
                                                                                  I m a student at Bennet School. I ve been there
                5  A  going         B will             c is going
                                                                                   _five years and I think it's a very good
                6 A love            B  are loving      c will love                school. At the moment 13_studying for
                7  A  paying        B  pay             c  to pay                  exams. 14_already done four exams and I m
                                                                                  doing three more next week. It's hard work and I
                                                                                   _be very happy when I've finished.
                                                                                  My favourite subject is French.®_year I went
                                                                                  to France and stayed with a French family. It was
                                                                                  the first time \7_been to France. \\ was
                                                                                  difficult at first but in the end I really enjoyed it.
                                                                                  This summer, I'm®_going to France,
                                                                                  unfortunately. I m going on holiday with my family.
                                                                                  We're going9_drive to Scotland and walk in
                                                                                  the mountains. I think it will,°_fun.

                                                                                  Write a short text about yourself. Answer these
                                                                                  . When and where were you born? Where do you
                                                                                     live now?
                                                                                  . Where do you go to school? What are you
                                                                                     studying at the moment?
                                                                                  . What did you do last summer? What are your
                                                                                     plans for next summer?
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