Page 68 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 68

;;18 O 12.5 Complete the text with the correct                    *21            Write sentences about your future using
                form of will or going to and the verb in brackets.                         the words in the box. Remember to use
                Listen and check.
                Mum: I'm getting things ready for our picnic.O                             will for guesses and going to for definite
                Robert: A picnic?
                                                                                     go to university
                Mum: Yes. I told you about it last week. We,re
                                                                                     watch TV
                         aoivÿo to the lake. Jason and his family
                                                                                     become a (teacher/engineer)       I (don't) think
                          _(meet) us there.
                                                                                     get up early                      probably
                Robert: OK.            (get) my swimming shorts,
                                                                                     live in a different town          at the weekend
                         so I can swim in the lake, and I
                                                                                     learn to drive                    tomorrow
                          _(look) for a ball, so we
                                                                                     play sport                        next week
                         can play football.
                                                                                     use the internet                  when I m older
                Mum: Great.
                                                                                     tidy my room
                Robert: What food 4_we_
                                                                                     buy a car
                Mum: I've made some sandwiches and I've
                         bought some crisps.
                                                                                     Tomorrow I'm 0olto watch TV after
                Robert: Have you made a cake?
                                                                                     school, a\A¿k Cm 0olto tidy my room at
                Mum: No. I didn't have time, I'm afraid.
                                                                                     the weeteetÿd. I'm kvot 0oluv0 to 0et up early
                Robert: S_(go) to the shop and buy
                                                                                     at the weeteeiÿd.
                         some cakes?
                Mum:     & _y ou                         (get) some
                         lemonade too? Here. I                                       whet-v I'm older I probably woÿv't become a
                                                                                     doctor but maybe I'll become a\*, evÿivÿttr,
                         (give) you some money.
                                                                                     because i lltee maths.
                Robert: Thanks. Oh, Mum, have you looked outside?
                Mum: Why?
                Robert: Look at those dark clouds. Itf_
                Mum: Don't worry.The rain probably
                          _(not last) long.
                         Are you going to the shop?                                    Self-evaluation Rate your progress.
                Robert: Yes. 1'°_(buy) those cakes.
                                                                                                                             u ÿ u-
                         Then I won't mind if it rains!

                         Work in a group of four. Imagine you
                         are planning a celebration for the end
                         of term. Decide what each person is
                         going to do. Make offers, requests and
                         suggestions using will and shall.

                     I'll matee some sal ad.

                                         That's a good idea, shall i
                                         buy some lemonade?

                     ok. will you get
                     some biscuits too?

                         Now tell the class what you decided.

                    I ' m 0olt*v0 to     Bella Is 0oli-vg to buy some
                    matee a salad.       lemocvade aÿd biscuits.

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