Page 63 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 63

The future

                           I can use be going to, will and the present continuous to talk about the future.

          Be going to

                Are you goí¡*¿) to watch the                                                         We use be going to + the
                m ,fltch tomorrow?
                                                                                                     infinitive to ask and talk about
                                                  No. I haven't
                That's OhC. I'LL get you ovÿt.    0ot a tlcteet.
                "                                                                                    plans and intentions.
                                                                                                     I ' m going to play basketball
                yes! of course.                   ThflfUes! v>o you                                  tomorrow.
                                                  thllA-fe [AOU'll                                   What are you going to do at the

                                                                                                     We can also use be going to
                                                                                                     to predict the future because
                                                                                                     of what we see or what is
                                                                                                     happening now.
                                                                                                     That bus is too tall. It's going to
                                                                                                     crash into the bridge.
                                                                                                     It's six o,clock. We're too late. We
                                                                                                     arenft going to catch the train. '

                                                                                                     Note: we can form the negative
                                                                                                     in two ways.
                                                                                                     We aren't going to catch the train.
                                                                                                     We're not going to catch the train.

           n ©o 12.1 Read the text in the box. Then listen                   13   Complete the sentences with the correct form of
                   and repeat.                                                    going to and the verb in brackets.
                 When we say the words 'going to', we normally                    ÿ pat is noíw to witA, the competition.
                 use a weak pronunciation: /to/.
                                                                                  1 Look out of the window_
                '                                                                    hot today. (It/be)
                I I'm going to play football.
                2 What are you going to do?                                       2 Be careful with those glasses.
                3 They're going to be here soon.                                     _them, (you/break)
                                                                                                                the exam. She hasn't
                4 He's not going to stay long.                                       _
                                                                                     done much revision. (She/not pass)
                                                                        O            ' _ there in time?'
                Complete each going to sentence with one word.
                ÿ He's going to paint the dining room tomorrow.                      ' Yes! The bus leaves in ten minutes'(we/get)
                                                                                     _ soon. I can see some
                1 'Mike_going to play basketball this
                                                                                     blue sky. (The rain/stop)
                             '          '
                   afternoon .  'So am I.
                                                                                     _to play the guitar well.
                2 What are you_to do on Sunday?
                                                                                     You don't practise, (you/not learn)
                3 The music is very loud. I_going to turn it
                                                                                  7 They're very tired-the
                                                                                     race. (They/not finish)
                4 'IsTom going to study geography?' 'Yes, he
                                                                                  8                             . ? '  ' I don't think so.
                                                                                     It's too warm.' (it/snow)
                5 Where are you going_             go on holiday?
                6 'When are you going to          _your homework?      '
                   I  ve already done it.
                   '  '                 '

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