Page 64 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 64

012.2 Listen to Ed talking to his grandfather about          Will/Shall
                plans for his birthday. Write ÿ or x in the table. I
                                                                              We use will + the infinitive when we make a decision
                 see friends       ÿ    have coffee and cakes
                                                                              at the time of speaking.
                                                                              ' What would you like to drink?' Til have some coffee,
                 play football          cook chicken and rice
                                                                              please. '
                 karting                make a cake                           'The phone's ringing.' 'I'll get it.'

                 eight friends          buy biscuits                          We also use will for predictions, when we guess the

                 go to a café           watch a DVD                           future. We often use it with words like probably or I
                                                                              (don't) think.
                 have lunch             do homework
                                                                              I think we,ll win the match on Sunday.
                                                                              Your plan won't work.
                                                                               Who will read my blog?' 7 don't know.'
                Read the sentences. Are they predictions (P) or               ' Willyou live somewhere different in the future?' 'No, I
                intentions (I)?                                               probably won't.'

                                                                              We also use will for offers, promises and refusals.
                ÿ Dinner is going to be ready soon.   _
                ÿ Frank is going to make dinner tonight. j                    '
                                                              _               I haven't got time to make dinner tonight.' 'No problem.
                1 I'm going to study hard so I can go to university.
                                                                              I>ll do it: (= offer)
                                                                               You always arrive late.' 'I'm sorry. I'll get here on time
                2 She isn't going to get into university. She doesn't
                                                                              tomorrow.' (= promise)
                   study very hard. _
                                                                              We've asked Pete and Ryan, but they won,t help us.
                3 We're going to arrive early.There isn't very much
                                                                              (= refusal)
                   traffic. _
                4 I'm going to get up early and do some revision              We can also use will for requests.
                   tomorrow. _                                                Will you buy me some bread, please?
                5 Carrie is going to feel tired. She's working very           We use Shall I...? and Shall we ...? for offers and
                   hard today. _
                6 Ryan says he is going to work in a café in the              Shall I do the washing-up? Yes, please.
                                                                              Shall we go to the cinema tonight? Yes, good idea.
                7 I'm going to watch that programme. It looks
                   interesting. -                                              8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of          O

                                                                                  will and the verbs in brackets.
                         Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions
                                                                                  ÿ He won,t hear you. He,s listening to loud
                         using going to.
                                                                                     music, (not hear)
                 do your homework                                                 1 Fred_dinner when he gets home.
                                          this evening
                 watch TV                                                            (make)
                 play sport                                                       2 'How_                        there?' 'By bus,
                                          on Saturday                                               you
                 meet your friends                                                   probably.  (get)
                                          on Sunday
                 go shopping                                                      3 She probably _              _ on time. She hasn t
                                          next summer
                 goto bed late                                                       left home yet. (not arrive)
                                                                                  4 '_you_the address?' 'Yes. I've got a
                  Are you 0oi.yv0        No, 1'n-c vu>t, because i have              good memory.  (remember)
                  to go to bed late      school tomorrow. B>ut I'm                5 Tanya_her exams. She always
                  tills evei-úiÿ?        golfvg to go to bed late oi-v               studies hard, (pass)
                                         Saturday. Are you. qoíw%                 6 Tve cooked tuna.' 'Julia probably_
                                         to -play sport tomorrow?                    it. She doesn't like fish.' (not eat)
                                                                                  7 'William hasn't arrived yet.' 'Don't worry. He
                                                                                     _here soon.' (be)
                                                                                  8 They probably_up early
           *  7           Student A turn to page 168. Student B
                                                                                     tomorrow. It's the weekend, (not get)
                          turn to page 170.
                                                                                  9 Be careful! You_yourself, (hurt)
                                                                                 10 '_Ivy_to the cinema tonight?'
                                                                                      No, she          . She's away on holiday.' (go)

          62    The future
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