Page 62 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 62

;í10 011.3 Complete the story with the correct form               ni              Rewrite the two sentences as one
                of the verbs in brackets. Then listen and check.                   r       sentence, using the linking words in
                                                                                            brackets. Change the order of the
                                                                                           sentences and use the past perfect where
                                                                                            necessary. Add extra details to make the
                                                                                           story more interesting.

                                                                                  ÿ We decided to go to the beach. We got up early
                                                                                     on Saturday, (because)
                                                                                     we pot up early ons-aturdaij becnust we'd
                                                                                     decided to go to the beach, ft was LoveLy weather
                                                                                     s0 we "pacteed our things.

                                                                                  1 It started raining. We arrived at the beach, (by the
                 In i860, Robert Burke and William Wills                             time)
                  started _(start) an expedition to travel
                 across Australia from south to north. No white                   2 I didn't eat breakfast. I was hungry, (so)
                 man *_(ever do) this before, and
                                                                                  3 Mum forgot to pack the food. We decided to eat
                 one year earlier the government
                                                                                     our picnic, (but)
                  _(offer) a prize to the first
                 people to do it.
                                                                                  4 We bought and ate some sandwiches. It stopped
                 Burke and Wills3_(organize) a                                       raining, (after)
                 group of nineteen men and set off in August.
                 Three months later, they4_                                       5 I brought a ball with me in the car. We played
                 (arrive) at Cooper Creek. Then Burke, Wills                         games on the beach, (so)
                 and five other menS_(continue)
                 their journey to the north coast. The rest of                    6 All the other people went. We left the beach.
                 the men established a camp at Cooper Creek                          (when)
                 andf_(wait) for them to return.
                                                                                  7 I fell asleep in the car. We arrived home, (by
                 By the time they reached the north                                  the time)
                 coast in February 1861, Burke and Wills
                  -(travel) 2,000 miles across
                 two deserts. But the journey"

                 ( took) 60 days instead of 45 days and, as a
                 result, theyi._(already eat) most
                 of their food.

                 The return journey was terrible. They
                   -(be) hungry and tired and the
                 desert was incredibly hot. When they finally
                   -(arrive) back at Cooper Creek
                 "                                                                     Self-evaluation Rate your progress.
                 on the 2ii, of April, the other men                                                                         u u u
                   -(leave). Burke and Wills had
                 asked them to wait for thirteen weeks and in
                 fact, they,3-(wait) for eighteen
                 weeks. In the end, they"4_
                 (abandon) the camp only nine hours before

                 Burke and Wills "S_(return).

                 Burke and Wills didn,t have the strength
                 to travel any further and both men
                   -(die) in June 1861.

          60 Past perfect
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