Page 8 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 8

Nouns, quantities and articles

                   I can use countable and uncountable nouns and articles.

          Countable, uncountable and plural nouns

                                                                              Spelling rules

                                                                              Most nouns: + -s
                                                                              pencil - pencils car - cars

                                                                              Nouns ending in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x: -es
                                                                              glass - glasses box - boxes

                                                                              Nouns ending in-o: -s
                                                                              piano- pianos radio- radios

                                                                              There are two exceptions:
                                                                              potato - potatoes tomato - tomatoes

                                                                              Nouns ending in consonant + -y: y -» ies
                                                                              s tra wberry - s tra wberr es city - cities

                                                                              But nouns ending in vowel + -y: -s
                                                                              toy - toys day - days
                                                                              Nouns ending in -f or -fe: -> -ves
                                                                              leaf-leafes knife- knives
           Countable nouns have singular and plural forms.
                                                                              A few nouns have irregular plurals.
           one ruler two rulers
                                                                              man -» men fish -»fish
           one woman three women
                                                                              woman -» women mouse -> mice
           Uncountable nouns only have a singular form. We                    child -» children goose -» geese
           cannot count them.                                                 person people foot -» feet
                                                                              sheep sheep tooth teeth
           waters water moneys money

                                                                    O                                                               O
                Write the words in the correct place.                        %2 O 1.1 Circle the correct answer. Then listen
                   apple burger cheese coffee egg               fruit             and check.
                   grape oil orange pasta rice salt                               ÿ I like fast car/cars.
                   sandwich toast vegetable water                                 1 Have you got any bread / breads?
                                                                                  2 I often eat grape/grapes for lunch.
                  Countable                   Uncountable                         3 Do you listen to music / musics in the car?
                                                                                  4 Tony doesn't enjoy exam / exams.
                                                                                  5 They don't understand the homework /
                                                                                  6 Have you got any information / informations
                                                                                     about the museum?
                                                                                  7 I can't find my money / moneys.
                                                                                  8 Lucy bought some T-shirt /T-shirts for her holiday.
                                                                                  9 He arrived late because of the traffic / traffics.
                                                                                 10 I offered him some fruit/fruits.

          6 Nouns, quantities and articles
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