Page 9 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 9

            3 Write the plural form if the noun is countable.                     01.2 What are they talking about?

                ÿ  baby babies                 7 petrol                           Listen and number from 1-8.
                ÿ rice                         8  person
                                               9 advice
                1  station
                2 knife                       10 tooth
                3 rain                        11  education
                                              12 child
                4 party -
                                              13  journey
                5  money
                                              14 electricity
                6 dress


           We use a or an with singular countable nouns.
           I'd l ike an orange.
           Have you got a phone?
           We use a before a consonant sound and an before a
           vowel sound.
           a computer a house
           a university (starts with /j/ consonant sound)
           an apple an island
           an hour (starts with /ao/ vowel sound)

           We don't usually use a or an with uncountable nouns.
           Ifd like & cheese.

           We use some with uncountable nouns and plural
           countable nouns.

           We've got some homework tonight .
           They need some books.
           If we want to count uncountable nouns, we
           sometimes use a word for a container (bottle, cup)
           or quantity (kilo, litre) with of. See page 173 for a list
           of words.

            5 Complete the sentences with the words in the
                box. You can use words more than once.                         6 Match the beginnings and ends of the sentences.

                   a an a cup a kilo some                                         ÿ Have you got a bag of d ?

                                                                                  1 Let's get her a box of _ .
                                                                                  2 Check in the fridge. I don't think we've got any
                ÿ I'd like to listen to zom music .
                1  My cousins live in_apartment.
                2  Please put_butter on my sandwiches.                            3 Can you get me an
                3  Can you buy me_of cheese?                                      4 I need two packets of
                4  Bill has got_old watch.                                        5 There isn't any
                                                                                                     _    .
                5  I'd like_water.
                6  Mrs Jackson is_science teacher.                                a milk
                7  Would you like_of tea?                                         b biscuits
                8  The police officer wants_information                           c chocolates
                   about the accident.                                            d-fleur
                9  That's_long email.                                             e oil
               10  They need           new equipment for the gym.                 f apple

                                                                                                                              Unit 1 7
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14