Page 4 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 4

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                                          Reading                        Listening

              Unit 7:                     - Reading for general and      - Listening for specifi c
                                           specifi c information about    information about thermal
              Pollution                    water pollution                pollution

              Unit 8:                     - Reading for specifi c        - Listening for specifi c
                                           information about an English   information about a day
              English speaking             speaking country               trip to a town in an English
              countries                                                   speaking country

              Unit 9:                     - Reading for specifi c        - Listening for specifi c
                                           information about how to       information about a
              Natural disasters            prepare for a natural disaster  natural disaster

              REVIEW 3

              Unit 10:                    - Reading for specifi c        - Listening for specifi c
                                           information about a future     information about netiquette
              Communication                way of communication

              Unit 11:                    - Reading for specifi c        - Listening for specifi c
                                           information about future       information about the
              Science and                  roles of science and           benefi ts and problems

              technology                   technology                     science and technology
                                                                          may bring

              Unit 12:                    - Reading for specifi c        - Listening for specifi c
                                           information about life on      information about people
              Life on other                another planet                 on another planet

              REVIEW 4

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