Page 17 - American English File Student Book 3B
P. 17

          3  LISTENING

             G      areth Malone first made his name on TV as a
                    choirmaster in The Choir, a series in which
                    he brought together all kinds of different
             people who had never sung before and turned
             them into accomplished singers.

             Last April, Gareth took on what was
             maybe an even bigger challenge.
             He became an elementary school
             teacher for a quarter. His mission
             was to teach a group of li-year-
             old boys from a mixed elementary
             school. Many of the boys weren’t
             doing very well at school and, like many
             other boys, they were a long way behind the
             girls in reading and writing. The result is Gareth
             Malone’s Extraordinary School for Boys -  a three-part
             TV series...

           a  Look at the photos above. W hat can you see? Now read
              about G areth M alone’s Extraordinary School fo r Boys.        4  SPEAKING
              In your country, are boys usually behind girls in
              reading and w riting?                                           a  In groups o f three, each choose one (different) topic
                                                                                 from  the list below. Decide if  you agree or disagree and
           b   4 8)))  Listen to P art 1  o f a radio program  about the         w rite down at least three reasons.
              experim ent and answ er the questions.
                                                                                 •  Boys and girls both learn better in single-sex schools.
               1  How long did Gareth have to teach the boys?                    •  Schools should let children wear whatever they
              2  W hat was his aim?                                                w ant at school.
               3  W hat three things did he believe were important?              •  Cooking and housew ork should be taught at school.

           c   4 9)))  Listen to P art 2. Com plete the chart.                   •  Schools don’t teach children the im portant things
                                                                                   they need to know to be an adult.
               Gareth made      1                                                •  Physical education should be optional.
               some general
               changes, for                                                      •  School sum m er vacations should be shorter.
               example:                                                          •  Children spend too much time at school on math
                                                                                   and IT and not enough on things like music, art,
                                                                                   and drama.
                                                                                 •  Private schools are usually better than
                                                                                   public schools.
               To improve       1  A                       competition
               their language                                                  O  Debating a topic: organizing your ideas
               skills, he       2  A                       “World Cup”             •  The topic I’ve chosen is...
               organized:                                                               completely agree     that...
                                3  A                      .thatthe
                                                                                        partly agree
                                   boys (and girls) had to both write and               completely disagree
                                                                                   •  First of all, (I think that...)
                                                                                   •  My second point is that...
           d  Listen again. How successful were the three activities?
                                                                                   •  Another important point is that...
           e   4  10)))  Now listen to P art 3 to find out what the result         •  Finally,...
              o f the experim ent was. Did the boys’ reading improve?
                                                                              b  Explain to the rest o f your group what you think about
           f   W hat do you think o f G areth’s ideas? D o you think             your topic. T he others in the group should listen. A t the
              they are appropriate for girls? A re any o f them  used in         end, they can vote for w hether they agree or disagree
              your country?                                                      w ith you and say why.

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