Page 18 - American English File Student Book 3B
P. 18

          5  GRAMMAR  first conditional and future time                                 6 READING & SPEAKING

              clauses + when, until, etc.                                                a  Read the article once.
                                                                                            W hat is a “tiger m other?”
           a  In pairs, answer the questions.

               1  W hen was the last time you took an exam? Did you pass or fail?
               2  W hat’s the next exam you are going to take? How do you feel about it?
              3  How do you usually feel before you take an exam?
              4  W hat do you usually do the night before an exam?
               5  Have you ever failed an important exam you thought you had
                 passed (or vice versa)?
           b   4  11,12)))  Listen to Olivia and W oo-sung, who are waiting for
              their exam  scores, and answ er the questions.

               1  D o they think they did well on the tests?
               2  W hen and how will they get the test results?
               3  How will they celebrate if they get good scores?
              4  W hat do they want to do if they get good scores?
               5  W hat will they do if  they fail, or if they don’t get the scores
                 that they need?

               P Exams
                    Exam scores can be given as numbers (usually out of 10 or 100)
                    or as letters (A, B, C, etc.). College grades are usually given
                    in numbers (out of 100). High school grades are usually given in
                    letter (A+, A, A-, etc.)

           c   4  13)))  Listen and com plete the sentences.
                                                                                          Y      She got an A-minus in math,  second
               1  They probably won’t admit me unless________________.                           our 12-year-old daughter is delighted.
               2  A s soon a s _________________ I’ll look up my scores.                         place in a history com petition,  and top

               3  I don’t want to plan any celebrations u n til_________________ .        scores on her piano exam .  Do you a)  say Good
                                                                                          job!,  give her a hug,  and tell her she doesn’t
              4  If I don’t get into a good college,_________________ .
                                                                                          need to practice the piano today,  and can go
               5  W hen _________________ , they’ll mail the results.                     to a friend’s house,  or b)  1ask why she didn’t
                                                                                          get an A in math,  why she didn’t get first place
           d   4  14)))  Listen to Olivia and
                                                                                          on the history exam ,  and tell her she’ll be
              W oo-sung. W hat scores did they
                                                                                          punished if she doesn’t practice the piano?
              get? W hat are they going to do?
                                                                                          If you chose a), you are definitely not Amy Chua.
           e > - p.144 Grammar Bank 7A.
              Learn m ore about first                                                     A lot of people wonder why so many Chinese
              conditionals and future tim e                                               children are math geniuses and musical prodigies.
              clauses, and practice them.                                                 Amy Chua explains why in her book Battle Hymn
                                                                                          of the Tiger Mother. It is a book that caused great
           f  Ask and answer w ith a partner.                                             controversy among parents when it was first
              M ake full sentences.                                                       published.2_________________ , Chua married
                                                                                          a man who she met at Harvard University, and
              W hat will you do...?
                                                                                          when their two daughters were born she was
               •  as soon as you get home                                                 determined that they would be as successful as
               •  if you don’t pass your                                                  she was.
                 English exam
                                                                                          Her system had strict rules. Her two
               •  when this class ends                                                    daughters were expected to be number one
               •  if it rains on the weekend                                              in every subject (except gym and drama) and
                                                                                          3 ___________________ . Playing with friends and
           g  ^Com m unication                                                            TV was forbidden. Music was required.
               Three in a row p. 106.
                                                                                          The system seemed at first to be working. From
                                                                                          a very early age her daughters Sophia and Lulu
                                                                                          were outstanding students and musical prodigies.

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