Page 56 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 56

€) Change partners and take turns to ask and         Writing  Task 1
              answer the questions in Exercise 7.
                                                                0  Work in pairs. Look at the diagrams in the
              Exam advice      Speaking Part 3                     Writing task below.
                  Give general answers to Part 3 questions; don't   1  What is the machine used for?
                 talk about yourself.                              2  How does it work?
                                                                   3  Where can it be placed?
                  Use words and phrases which show that you are
                                                                   4  What comparisons can you make about the two
                  making general points.
           Pronunciation                                           The diagrams below show the design for a wave-
          Sentence stress 2                                        energy machine and its location.
                                                                   Summarise the information by selecting and
            You can stress words which express how you feel
                                                                   reporting the main features,  making comparisons
            about something, for example positive adjectives
                                                                   where relevant.
            to express enthusiasm or negative adjectives to
            express annoyance.
                                                                    A wave-energy machine
                                                                               air flow
          0  ~ Work in pairs. Look at these extracts from
             Jamila's answer. Underline the words which you
             think should be stressed. Then listen and check
             which words Jamila stressed.
             1  ... there are these fantastic views across the sea
                in all directions ...
             2  At the top of the hill, there's this wonderful
                stone column ...
             3  It was a lovely sunny day and there weren't too
                many people around.
             4  ... until you reach the Needles, which are some
                spectacular rocks standing out in the sea, very
                spectacular .. .
             5  Why is the place so beautiful? I think it's
                particularly beautiful because it's such an
                unspoilt area, it's protected.
             6  ... it's a wonderful day out, good exercise, fresh
                air, fantastic views and very, very relaxing.
          6  Work in pairs.

             1  What types of word does Jamila tend to stress
                (nouns, adjectives, etc.)?
             2  Why does she stress words like fantastic,         large waves -             small waves
                spectacular and wonderful?                        high output               -low output

          €) Work in pairs. Take turns to read the sentences
             in Exercise 1 aloud, trying to put the stress in                                  low installation
             the same places.                                                                  costs
                                                                    high installation

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