Page 57 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 57

6 Complete this answer to the Writing task using        We use the passive when:
          verbs from the box. In some cases, more than         a  we don't know who or what does/did something.
          one answer may be possible.                          b  we don't need to say who or what does/did
          connected   COflSIStS   sucked   turns   enters
                                                               c  what happens/ happened is  more important than
          generated   installed   passes   produced   rises
                                                                  who or what does/did it.

                                                            0  page 104  The passiVe
          The diagrams show a machine for generating
          electricity from  waves and where it can be placed.
                                                            () Rewrite each of these sentences using a verb in
          The machine 1  of two chambers, one
                                                               the passive and starting with the words given.
          above the other.  The process starts when a wave
          2     ......... the lower chamber.  As a result,  the   1  They generate 20 percent of the nation's energy
                                                                  using renewable energy sources.
          water level inside the chamber 3  .  . . . . . . . . . ..... and
                                                                  Twenty percent of the nation's energy is
          air is pushed up into the chamber above.  As the air
          4     ........ through the upper chamber,  it moves     ~e.1-1.e.mte.d '!ASi-11.(}  re.-11.e.wC1.bte.  e.-11.e.r·~~  so'!Arc.e.s.
                                                               2  !hey have closed down some nuc1ear power
          a turbine which is 5 ... ................. to a generator.
          When the wave goes down,  air is 6 ..   . ..... in
                                                                  Some nuclear power plants ...
          from outside and this also 7  .................... the turbine.
                                                               3  They can use the electricity for lighting homes.
          The machine can be placed near the coast,  and
                                                                  The electricity ...
          in this case it can be 8   ..... at a lower cost.
                                                               4  The government will subsidise new wind-
          However,  waves near the coast tend to be smaller
                                                                  turbine installations.
          and so less electricity is 9 ......................  Alternatively,
                                                                  New wind-turbine installations ...
          the machine can be placed in deeper water where
                                                               5  In the first stage of the process, they heat the air
          the waves are larger and more electricity can be
                                                                  which will inflate the balloon.
          10         . . However,  in this case,  it will cost
                                                                  In the first stage of the process, the air which
          more to install. In general,  while the machine
          appears to be a simple way of harnessing renewable      will inflate the balloon ...
          energy,  its installation may cause a number         6  In tropical countries, people tend to consume
          of problems related to  its cost and its location.      more electricity in summer months.
                                                                  In tropical countries, more electricity tends ...
       8  Work in pairs. Divide the answer in Exercise 2    0 @  IELTS candidates often make mistakes when
          into paragraphs. Write// where you think there       they use the passive. Correct the mistake in each
          should be a new paragraph. Then discuss the          of these sentences.
          purpose of each paragraph.                           1  Children are easily influence by others, by their
                                                                  environment or by their parents.  t1-1.-F£1Ae.1-1.c.e.d
                                                               2  I think some problems which exist in this world
       Key grammar                                                can solve by money.
                                                               3  In my country, few schools teach students by
       The passive
                                                                  computer but not all subjects teach by computer.
       0  The passive is formed with the verb to be  +  past   4  Moreover, unnecessary restrictions should
          participle (opened, done, eaten, etc.). Which verb      reduce by the government.
          in this sentence is passive?                         5  The primary reason for their disapproval is the
                                                                  damage to the environment which caused by
          As a result, the water level inside the chamber rises
                                                                  mass tourism.
          and air is pushed up into the chamber above.
                                                               6  The result of this research shows that in the UK
                                                                  a great proportion of household tasks are doing
       6 Underline other examples of the passive in the
                                                                  by women.
          sample answer in Writing Exercise 2.
                                                               7  This diagram presents the process of brick
       8  Which rea~ons (a-c) apply to the example                manufacturing which is used for the building
          sentence in Exercise 1? You can choose more             industry.
          than one.

                                                                                         The world  in our hands @
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